Everyone's attention turns to Elian, and we watch as his jaw clenches. "I don't like it." I shoot him a look with my eyes narrowed. "Because of the safety aspect, but I also don't see another option. Matilda is right. The Elders are trying to sneak their way in here. I almost overlooked it with everything going on.” His face is pinched like the admission pains him to say. He might as well have sucked on a lemon before speaking, but he’s right. This is our best option for now.
"Then it's settled," I announce. "Everyone, get a move on. Grab anything essential." Kaos and Dante head up the stairs to grab our go-bags. Yep, I convinced them to make some of their own. They’re definitely coming in way handier than I ever expected. I turn to Alpha Darren and Carter. "Can you have the shifters ready and back here in fifteen minutes?"
Alpha Darren’s head snaps up as he looks at me, shock coloring his features. The same is reflected on Carter’s face. "Wait, you really want us to come?" he asks in disbelief. I guess most Weavers would leave them to die or use them like they’re expendable. Not me. Not anyone who aligns with us during this.
“Of course, I do,” I respond gently, but firmly. “I won't leave any of our people behind. It's time to break the mold.”
I may only be a quarter shifter and may never have a wolf emerge as I haven’t had any inkling of one yet, but they’re my people now too.
Alpha Darren’s jaw hits the floor as he stares at me in wonder and suddenly drops to one knee. Carter does the same.Uh, what the hell is happening?
“I pledge my life unto thee, Sadie Sinclair,” they say in unison.
“If you have any need for us, then all you have to do is call and we will be there fighting by your side along with my entire pack at your back,” Alpha Darren finishes. People bowing to me is so freaking weird. I probably look like I’m the one who just sucked on a lemon now.
Hemsworth snickers, sensing my discomfort, and I shoot him a dirty look to which he gives me those innocent puppy eyes. Ugh, can’t stay mad at that face, dammit.
I realize they’re still on their knees and probably waiting for me to say something. “Umm, wow. Thank you, Alpha Darren and Carter.”Really, Sadie? That’s the best you could do?I clear my throat to try again. “For now, though, go get the shifters ready. I know everyone won’t want to go,” I say, thinking of the traumatized shifters from the compound. “But I trust you can get them on board.”
I'll process what the fuck just happened later.
They both stand. “You truly are the one we’ve been waiting for,” Carter says in awe.
“And I'll do you one better,” Alpha Darren says with a wink. “We'll be back in ten.” Both he and Carter jog out of the house, letting out a long howl that I sense is a signal to the other shifters.
I return my attention to Matilda. "How many can you portal out at once?"
"My abilities are not infinite, but I'd say I can make it wide enough to transport six through at a time. Maybe more."
Six at a time. It’ll take a bit but we’ll make it work. "Good, we can work with that."
There’s a flash outside and then a knock at the door. My temper spikes when I recognize the signatures standing outside. “What the fuck do you want? And why are you here?” I call out.
“Mind if we go with you, wherever it is you’re going? Since we're kind of disgraced for helping you,” Adam says sheepishly, coming into view with his brothers and Emma in tow. They must’ve portaled in. Dammit, why did we give them permission again? Oh, right, because they saved Ash for me the first time.
“You have quite the fucking nerve, Adam,” I snap, thinking of how he and his brothers fucking ditched us in the garden. “You were going to leave us there.”
Guilt colors his features, true guilt too. He genuinely feels bad, but it doesn’t ease my anger. "I'm so fucking sorry, Sadie, but we had to protect Emma above all else. Our mate means everything to us."
“Then why are you here and not somewhere safe? If you hadn’t noticed, your fathers are outside trying to tear our ward apart.”
“Because we have to protect Emma and you’re our best shot at that,” Nick, one of the twins, says, and his brother nods his head in agreement.
“We would do anything to protect her,” Adam agrees. “And that meant leaving you behind.”
Emma looks livid. She rears back and smacks Adam across the face with perfect form, just like I taught her. Adam’s mouth pops open in shock as he rubs the spot, looking awestruck with her. Pfft, dude is pussy-whipped and she's oblivious. Not that I blame her for being cautious with who they are. Hell, even I’m extremely wary of them right now. I don’t fucking trust them and their intentions.
"That's for leaving my friend!" Emma exclaims and walks over to our side. I give her a high-five. I know I haven’t known her for long but I can see her becoming one of my best friends… Maybe once I forgive Ash, we can create a cross species women’s fight club or something. Where we teach and inspire women of any species to defend themselves.
"Thanks, Em," I whisper.
"Anytime, Sadie."
"As cute as this is," Elian starts with an eye roll. "I think we need to discuss the trio coming with us. They're a liability, and I don’t trust them. At all."
Kaos and Dante reemerge with our bags draped over their shoulders. Kaos takes in the scene in a single glance while Dante looks pissed.
"No, we are not," Nick counters. “We could help you.”