Guess I’m going to find out.
I can't stand here forever. I need to get a move on and see if I can figure out what’s going on. The best way to do that is to find someone orsomethingwho knows.
I don't make it more than six steps in the direction I picked before something tugs on my chest, which still feels really, well,alivefor me to be supposedly dead. The tug reminds me so much of Sadie that it hurts. What I wouldn’t give to see her again, to touch her, to go back to that moment of her walking down the stairs in that divine dress and kiss her senseless.
I rub my hand against the phantom ache in my chest, trying to ease it, but it’s no use. Her essence is firmly wrapped around me and it’s not letting go. When the feeling eases enough for me to focus, I continue walking toward the pull, letting my instincts guide me.
I’m getting out of here. One way or another.
* * *
I haveno idea how long I've been traveling aimlessly, but I haven’t come across a damn thing so far. There aren't any other souls in sight either, which is strange.
“Goddess?” I call out. “Can you hear me?”
No answer.
I run my hands through my hair in frustration. How am I supposed to get back to Sadie and my wolf if I can't get any answers?
The tugging sensation grows in my chest and this time I close my eyes, concentrating on the feeling. Sadie's comforting scent wraps around me like a lifeline and I latch onto it, letting everything about her consume me until it almost feels like I'm with her.
"My Moon, I miss you so fucking much. Even in death, your sweet scent taunts me."
"I'm here, Vin," her voice says in my mind, and I curse it for seeming so real.
"As much as I wish this was one of my dreamwalks, I'm afraid that's not possible. Unless you were dead, and in that case—"
My eyes snap open to find a radiant Sadie standing in front of me. She looks absolutely stunning in a dress that resembles something the Goddess would wear. She's beautiful, but if she's here, that can only mean one thing…
"No, no, no… you can't be here.” Shock and despair wrap around my heart like a vise, warring with each other. “You can't be dead, Luna. I was coming back for you, not the other way around!"
Sadie chuckles, confusing the shit out of me, and wipes the tears from her eyes. I hate seeing her cry and it makes me want to brush them away. "Vin, I’m not dead. Technically, anyway. It’s so damn good to see you."
“It’s good to see you too, my lovely Moon,” I say breathlessly, hoping her statement about not being dead is correct. “But I don’t understand. If you’re not dead, then how are you here? Where are we?”
“We're in the In-Between,” she explains. “As for the other half of your question, let's just say, it's a good thing I'm favored by the Gods.” She rubs her thumb along her necklace, which is a sign she’s nervous. I can only imagine the pressure she's under. I'd give anything to take it away from her and put it all on me.
I reach out to smooth the wrinkle out of her brow and she tenses, so I pull back, but not before my skin grazes her cheek and we both suck in a sharp gasp. It's as if an electric current slams into us both and she throws her arms around me. It's all I can do to open mine in time to catch her.
"I thought you would be see-through like my family, but you're solid!" she exclaims.
I have no idea what she means, but I don’t question it. Instead, I thread my fingers through her hair and cradle her head to my chest. "I never want to let you go again, Luna."
"Then don't," she whispers. "And don't fucking die on me again. I'm, like, ninety-percent certain this” —she gestures between us— “is a one-time deal."
“What’s a one-time deal?”
She looks around like someone might be watching us, but when she doesn’t see anyone, she returns her attention to me. “The Goddess and her consorts allowed me to come in after you.”
My heart starts to beat wildly in my chest. She wanted to come and get me as badly as I wanted to get back to her. “There are so many things I wish I had done differently with our time together. Like, I would’ve kissed you that first time in the kitchen when you had jam on your face.”
The memory makes her smile. Goddess, she’s so damn beautiful. Her smile alone is enough to make my heart race.
“I guess what they say about not knowing what you have until it’s gone is true, huh?” she replies softly.
“Extremely. And I’d do anything for you, my Moon,” I tell her with complete conviction.
She pulls back to look at me while tracing my lips with her fingers, making me utterly aware of every place her skin is touching mine. My mouth goes dry, and I lick my lips. She follows the movement with her eyes, focusing on my mouth. If only we weren’t in a barren landscape, I’d take her right here.