Page 50 of Called By Fate

“What does it feel like having a wolf?” I ask softly, catching Vin’s eye.

He turns off the stove so he doesn’t burn the gravy and gives me his full attention, pondering my question. “It’s like a comforting presence that’s always in my mind. Even before I shifted, I could see him. Right now, he’s prancing around in circles, preening under your attention. Oh, and he’s fucking horny. Seriously. Dude never wants me to keep it in my pants.”

I crack a smile. “Is that so?”

He nods and not so subtly adjusts himself under his apron. “Extremely.”

What I wouldn't give to have a wolf of my own,I think wistfully. But that doesn't seem to be in the cards for me.

“I’ve had no inklings or even a feeling of a wolf inside me,” I admit. “I wish I had though.” That’s an understatement. I long to run as beasts with Vin, but he can likely sense my feelings about it through the bond, so I don’t voice it aloud.

“It’s okay, Luna,” he says, rounding the island to give me a kiss on the forehead before pulling me into a hug. “You’re special in so many other ways.” He returns to cooking, but not before giving me another peck on the lips.

Reed walks into the kitchen freshly showered, wearing dark gray sweatpants, which highlight the outline of his dick, and a blue tank top that makes his gray eyes pop. He makes his way over to me, stopping beside me at the small counter we turned into a bar area of sorts. I’m totally distracted by him because he looks delicious, so delicious that I sort of want to lick the water running down his neck even though that probably wouldn't be appropriate.

He kisses me on the cheek shuffling over to make us some coffee when he realizes no one has started any yet. “Good morning, Love,” he says while turning the machine on. I can practically smell the bean juice already. “Are you ready for today?”

Working with the light is gradually becoming easier for me, though it's much finickier than my shadows and likes to elude me a lot, but I’m guessing it’s because my Light Weaver powers aren’t as strong. Reed is also helping me master healing and fire while the others are out recruiting.

“Psh, I'm always ready. Have we learned any more about my family?” I ask. I’d like to know more about my grandparents or even anything that could help us take down the Elders.

He shakes his head. “Unfortunately, no. I've read his journal front to back and besides what we’ve already read there was no mention of it again. Although, I did discover later in the journal that he was planning on going public with this information. Before he was killed, anyway. Some kind of training accident.”

I gasp as a chill immediately runs down my spine. “Reed, you don't think he was murdered to cover this up, do you? I wonder if that's why my family went into hiding…”

Reed's eyes widen and he almost over pours the coffee. He quickly grabs a towel and cleans up the dribbles he did spill. "It's possible, I guess,” he responds in thought. “But who would do such a thing and why?”

I take a moment to ponder, but I’ve got nothing. It doesn’t make sense. “I don’t know. My next question is, why does no one remember this happening? It couldn’t have been top secret with a shifter and a Weaver walking around.”

“Matilda is definitely old enough to remember,” Reed agrees. “But she says she’s never heard of it happening before us. Maybe their memories were altered?”

“My father,” I say, working it over in my head. “He did mention in the In-Between that he could mess with memories.”

“You’re powerful, so it stands to reason your father was as well…”

Vin sets a plate piled high with delicious looking biscuits and gravy in front of us. "Speculating on an empty stomach won't do anyone any good. Dig in."

My mouth waters immediately at the sight and my fork rips into a biscuit before anyone can say anything else. “Soo good,” I say around a mouthful.

Reed chuckles. "Gods, I love the way you can put food down," he admits, watching me before diving into his own plate.

"Ever since we got back from the Goddess' realm I've been starving. More so than usual," I confess.

"Ah, yeah. Another thing you can thank your impending Awakening for. I think the time difference between our world and the Goddess’ realm affected you more and is speeding up the process. Speaking of which, how are things with Elian?" Reed blushes, and in turn, my cheeks turn crimson, thinking about how they all rushed in when Elian and I broke his bed.

"We're... getting there, I think. Truth be told, I thought we might bond that night, but he didn't take my hand. I want it to be his decision, so I haven't said anything yet."

“That’s understandable,” he responds. “On your end. Personally, I don’t understand why he hasn’t bonded to you yet.”

“I think it terrifies him,” I admit.

As I take another bite and my taste buds explode, I thank the Goddess the training Reed and I have been doing lately isn't too strenuous or I'd be puking this all up later and that would be a shame. At some point, we need to work on Reed's fighting form, but he's leaps and bounds from where he was when we first met, so I'll take that as a win.

“So, what are we going to work on today?” I ask, changing the subject.

“I thought we could work on drawing your light out again. See if we can get your shadows to play nicely together.”

Outwardly I groan, but internally I’m picturing visions of a certain Light Weaverplaying nicewith me and my shadows to tease him instead. Yeah, I might be slightly evil if the outline in Reed’s sweatpants is any indication.