Page 39 of Called By Fate

Something about my mom always brings out another side to Elian, and he suddenly looks a tad more relaxed than before, but still guarded like usual. “I’ll try,” he responds and looks at his pocket watch. He never talks about it, but I’m pretty sure it was a gift from his mom. “As much as we’d love to keep chatting, we need to get going,” Elian says.

“Yeah, we stopped by to drop off this invitation for you all to come stay at the safe haven with us. Well, actually, to tell you you're coming to the safe haven." I reach over the coffee table and extend the portal-infused paper, explaining how it works and why we're doing it. "Gather your things and then accept. It'll take you straight to where we're staying."

“Not so fast, Kaos,” my mother says before I can get up. “When will your fathers and I get to meet Sadie?"

"I, too, would like to get to know the woman my son is so smitten with," my birth dad, Gerrard, adds, watching my mother with such love in his eyes. When she's happy, he's happy, and that's something I've always said I would do for my mate one day if I ever found her. One can only hope I look that way when outsiders see me looking at Sadie.

Honestly, she's my whole world, and I'd be lost without her.

“Yeah, we would!” Chris, my mother’s other mate adds.

"Soon. She's at the safe haven, but I'd rather be the one to introduce you, so don't go looking for her," I say, giving my mom a look. She tries to look innocent, but I know better.

Dante smirks. "Trust me, you'll know when you see her."

That’s for sure. Even Elian cracks a smile at Dante’s comment—one my mother doesn’t miss.

“She’s had a bit of a hard life, and I’m not sure how she’ll feel about meeting my family,” I explain. “So let me talk to her first, okay?”

“Okay, no worries. Tell her I won’t bite her head off or anything and that I’m looking forward to meeting her,” my mother says. “I know you’re under a bit of a time crunch here, so I won’t keep you any longer.” She rises and the rest of us follow suit, trailing out of the house.

After saying goodbye, we move on to the next target on our list and then the next, and the next, until we're all so drained and exhausted that we have no choice but to call it a day and head home. I'm not complaining though. I'm so ready to see Sadie, it's not even funny. Her presence is like a balm to my soul.

Tomorrow, I'll introduce her to my parents. If she wants to meet them that is.

No pressure.


Two words.

Morning. Wood.

Actually, make that ten words.

Morning. Wood. Poking. Me. In. The. Ass. From. Both. Sides.

Ahh, a girl could get used to this.

“Mmm,” I say, trying to clear the tiredness from my voice. “You two were so sleepy last night, I didn't get a chance to ask, but now that you're here and hard—I mean, awake—I have a question to ask.” I sit up so I can see Kaos and Dante better without having to turn and look.

"Go for it, Little Flame," Kaos mumbles, opening his bright, blue eyes still hooded with sleep. Dante merely grunts his acknowledgement. He’s not a morning person. His penis is definitely a morning person, however.

"When were you going to tell me about this Awakening I'm apparently about to go through?"

That sends both of them shooting up, wide awake, and scrambling to face me. Now we're all sitting crisscross on the bed, me with my back to the headboard and them facing me.

The sudden commotion wakes a sleeping Hemsworth at our feet, who grumbles something aboutDamn, Weavers and their damn sexual needs. When do I get some sexy times?He hops down and says loudly, "I'm going to go bug Vin for something to eat. Maybe he can keep it in his pants." Before he saunters out the door, he shoots a wolfish grin over his shoulder, letting me know he's not actually that upset about it.

"We need a bigger bed. I want all of you in it. Comfortably," I say absentmindedly.

"Agreed, maybe we can push one of the others against this one.” Kaos pauses to ponder the logistics of it for a moment but then realizes he’s distracted. “Back up, did Reed tell you about your Awakening?"

“Yup,” I say, popping the P. “He sure did.”

He doesn’t look upset at all. In fact, he looks relieved. “Congrats on bonding by the way. We felt the power surge while we were handing out portal-invites. Hopefully, it wasn't too bad for you? That was a hell of a rush.”

"Nothing I couldn't handle," I respond. "Back to the Awakening. Why am I just now hearing about it?"