Page 2 of Called By Fate

“There has to be a way for me to bring him back,” I plead. “Without breaking your oath,” I add, staring into her eyes despite the urge to look away. I shiver when Reed places a hand on my back and it tingles through the fabric, lending me some of his strength.

She looks contemplative for a moment before one of her lovers appears at her side. If I’m not mistaken, he’s the God of Light, judging by the faint, golden glow emanating from his skin. He’s wearing nothing but a leather-type contraption over his nether regions that certainly doesn’t hide any of his muscles. But at least it hides his dick, although I wonder…

Reed nudges me, and I blush, remembering he can hear my thoughts. Even as distraught as I am now, I shouldn’t perve on his God.

The God of Light takes the Goddess’ hand and brings it to his lips. Her eyes soften at the intimate gesture.

“My love, if I may?” The Goddess nods for him to continue. “Sadie could go to our realm with us,” he offers, and a spark of hope ignites in my chest. Judging by the way Kaos and Dante’s shock brush up against me through the bond, what the God of Light is offering is a huge deal. Even Hemsworth’s eyes widen from his place at my side. I hadn’t noticed him until now. “We could escort her to the gate to retrieve the shifter's soul. What she does after that is up to her, but I think we owe her this chance.”

The Goddess places a hand up to stop him from saying anything else. “No. It’s too risky. Sadie could get trapped there and she’s far too important. The fate of this world rests on her shoulders.”

Jeez. No pressure or anything.Reed cracks a small smile despite everything as he hears that thought.

I clear my throat and straighten my spine. “No offense, Goddess, but that is my choice to make. What aboutmyfree will?”

She sighs and it sounds more like a tinkling wind chime than anything. “When it comes to matters involving my realm and the afterlife, I have total domain over those choices. Here on Earth, I promised to always allow you to make your own choices. You, my dear, are so precious. More so than you know.” Her lip curls and it’s the only subjective gesture I’ve ever seen her make. “The Elders have perverted everything sacred. You have to be the one to stop them. It’s been foretold in the stars.”

“And I will do everything in my power to stop them, believe me, I want them to pay more than anything, but...” I glance over to my other mates, giving each of them a broken, tender smile, including Elian who is just starting to come to, and Hemsworth sitting at my side. “Vin is a part of us. A part of me, and to do that, I need him with me. I feel it in my very soul that he’s important to all of this.”

“At least let her try, my love,” the God of Light interjects softly.

After a long and tense silence, the Goddess’ shoulders slump—a tell that she’s very worried about this, which means I definitely shouldn’t take it lightly. No, if the Goddess is worried, then something very bad is in our future.

Kaos wraps his hand around mine, pulling my attention to him. “Sorry, Goddess, would you mind if we had a word with our mate?”

“Not at all, dear.”

Kaos pulls me to the side and my Sworn circle me, acting like this is a football huddle. “My Flame, have you considered the implications of this? Even the Goddess is worried for your safety.” Reflected in his eyes is the weight of judging every pro and con and every possible scenario.

“Why would you risk your life for the shifter?” Elian asks and, surprisingly, there’s no bite to his tone. “Do you love him? The shifter?”

“I—” I pause and take a moment to think about it. “I think I was starting to,” I answer truthfully because, while I have strong feelings for Vinson, it’s not love yet. Love is too strong a word for me to throw around without absolutely meaning it with every single ounce of my soul.

“Then we’ll stand beside you,” Kaos responds.

There’s another flash and the other two of the Goddess’ men appear. Like in the meadow, one is surrounded by stunning russet-purples, the color reminding me of sunset, and the other in the pre-dawn light of a gorgeous morning. They have a mischievous glint in their eyes as they surround the Goddess and caress her, whispering something in her ear. Totally thanking my lucky stars that the Gods are on my side right now. I think the Goddess is too, and she’s right to want to protect this world, but I need to get to Vin. Being without him forever would… destroy me. I feel it in my very soul.

The Goddess looks to her lovers and back to us, understanding shining in her eyes. “Then you should do everything in your power to get him back. My consorts and I may be eternal, but I know if anything happened to one of them… Well, I’d be doing the same thing as you. You’re important to this world, but something you’ve taught me, by watching you, is that family is more important than anything. Go after him, Sadie, and do not let anything stand in your way.”

My mates nod their heads in agreement, murmuring soft words of encouragement and stroking our bonds with love. I’m so grateful for them and their understanding.

Hemsworth nudges my leg. “I’ll stay and protect his body for you. Go get that shifter. He owes me a steak.”

Classic Hems. If the situation were different, I might even laugh.

“You should go after him,” Dante agrees and he’s usually the most jealous of them all, so for him to say that…

Relief pours through me, and I smile, but the Goddess holds her hand up. “You should know that it won’t be easy. I can see his soul fighting, straining to come back here to you, but the spirit realm is designed to not let souls go. He was killed with your shadestone dagger, which was forged from a substance in my realm foryouto use. Elder Reginald never should’ve been able to touch it, let alone wield it, but something is protecting him from harm. When you return, you’ll have to figure out how to put an end to whatever that is because it is not natural. You won’t be able to stop them otherwise, I’m afraid.”

“You’re right. Something is helping them stay invincible, and I damn well intend to get to the bottom of it and what my uncle is up to. But first… Vinson. Is there anything else we should know before going in there?”

“Yes… and your mates aren’t going to like it.”

Oh hell.


The Goddess’ image flickers, and she reaches her hand out for me to take. “Come, my dear. I will explain more once we get there. We must act quickly. The longer we take, the more Vinson’s soul will bond to the In-Between which is where souls with unfinished business go.” She looks over at my Circle. “Place a hand on your Link and I will transport you all in one swoop. Is everyone ready?”