“Liv.” He cut me off, his lips trembling.


“I just wanted to feel your ass to see if it was as juicy and pert as I remembered.” He winked at me. “I wasn't asking to take your anal cherry.”

“You...wait, what?” I sputtered out, my heart racing. How had the conversation gone to sex again? Why oh why was he teasing me and making me feel so hot and bothered. He was the worst kind of man possible and yet, I was incredibly turned on.

“Anyway, let’s not get sidetracked.” He shook his head at me. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t come to your room for sex.”

“Say what?” I looked at him in confusion. “I never said—”

“I came because I wanted to explain to you that this is a delicate situation. I wasn’t engaged when we made love. And I wasn’t planning on becoming engaged either. However your sister and I have decided to get married.” He studied my face for a few seconds. “I didn’t expect to see you again.” He shook his head and his face softened as he looked at my face. “You’ve made this all very difficult.”

“What have I made difficult?”

“This arrangement between your sister and I...” He paused. “It’s delicate. It’s not a love match.”

“Then what is it?”

Bang Bang.

“Liv?” Gabby’s voice was soft. “Can I come in?”

“Just a second.” I said, hoping my voice didn’t show how panicked I felt. “Get under the bed.” I pushed Xander down. “Now.”

“Okay.” He frowned as he got down on his knees and slithered under the bed.

“Liv?” Gabby’s voice was louder. “Can I come in?”

“Just a second.” I shouted and watched as Xander’s legs and feet were hidden. I walked to the door and opened it, with a big smile. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Can I come in?” Gabby seemed hesitant and I stared at her in surprise. My sister was never hesitant. She was beautiful, confident and always got what she wanted. Like my Mr. Miracle Tongue.

“Uh, what do you want?” Oh God, I couldn’t look her in the face. I needed to make eye contact with her, but I couldn’t. I was too ashamed of myself. What oh what was I going to do?

“Can I come in? I don’t want anyone to hear.” She pushed into the room and closed the door behind her. “What do you think of Xander?”

“Huh?” My face was hot. “Why do you ask?”

“I just wanted your opinion.” She sighed. “I know you can read guys well.”

“I, uh, I guess.” I stared at her in shock. Since when did she think I could read guys well? Since when did Gabby ever want my opinion?

“I haven’t known Xander long.”

“Oh?” I bit my lower lip, wanting to ask her more, but I didn’t because I didn’t want Xander to think I cared to know about their relationship.

“I know, it’s rash, but when he proposed I couldn’t say no.” She said breathlessly.

“How long have you known him?” I asked softly.

“I...that doesn’t matter.” She sighed. “The point is we’re getting married.”

“I mean if you love him.” I shrugged. “Follow your heart.”

“I’m pregnant, Liv.” She burst out and the color drained from my face. “We’re getting married because I’m pregnant.”

Chapter Two

“Shut the front door.” I said in shock after I gasped for breath.

“I know.” She sat down on my bed and I heard a groan. “Who thought I’d be having a shotgun wedding?”

“Not me.” I said, heart racing. Oh my God, my sister is pregnant with Mr. Tongue’s baby and we’re going to be on Jerry Springer next week. I needed to call Alice right away. I needed to talk to someone about what was going on. The man I had slept with the week before, was about to have a child with my sister. Shit! I’d slept with my soon to be niece or nephew’s dad. What did that make me? Some sort of Jezebel?

“I don’t know him well,” She made a face. “Am I making a mistake marrying him?”

“I just met him, Gabby. I don’t know what to say.” I wanted to shout, don’t marry him, don’t marry him. He was obviously a big jerk, who couldn’t keep it in his pants, but now he was going to be a father, to my sister’s kid, I didn’t know what to say. Did I want to ruin their family before the kid was even born?

“When did he propose to you?” I asked softly. If it was before he’d slept with me, I would tell her, but if it was after, I wouldn’t.

“Two days ago.” She offered me a small smile and showed me her fingers. “Do you like the ring?”

“It’s big.” I said, not knowing what else to say. The ring was beautiful. It was the sort of ring I’d like to receive when I got engaged. If that ever happened.

“It was his grandmother’s.” She said softly and gazed at it. “I’m not keeping this one. He’s going to take me to Tiffany’s and let me choose one I like better.”

“You don’t like that?” I frowned as I stared at her. “It’s gorgeous and it was a part of his family. That means something, Gabby.”

“I don’t want a used ring.” She jumped up and frowned.