Page 21 of Little Darling

“Because I wanted you,” he said simply, the same response he’d given me that first day, as if that explained everything. His voice was calm, almost gentle, but there was darkness in the undertone.

He’s a predator waiting to pounce.

I frowned, confusion knotting my brow. The answer was so simple, but it was the most complicated thing I’d ever heard. “But…” I shook my head. “I don’t understand why. Why me? I’m nobody special.” I felt tears well in my eyes but held them back.

Lars tilted his head slightly, as if considering my words.

“What do you want with me?” The question spilled out before I could stop it, my desperation for answers overpowering my need to be tactful. I had to know what the endgame was, what my future was going to be like.

“You ask a lot of questions, Dolly.” He picked up his cup and took another sip. “But you already know the answer to some. Isn’t that right?”

His tone was maddeningly calm, and I wanted to scream at him, to punch and hit and fight him until I was too tired to think about it anymore.

“Plus, that’s a fucking lie,” he added, and I was taken back by his statement, not sure what he meant, and he must’ve seen that in my expression. “Thinking you’re not special.” He set the cup back down and leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs as his dark and piercing eyes held me hostage. “I’ve never met or seen anyone or anything more special than you, little darling.”

I audibly gasped at his words. I felt they were the God’s honest truth. I shook my head. “None of this makes sense. You can't… you can’t just take someone because you want them.” I licked my lips and set the mug down, my anxiety so high that I couldn't even think about consuming anything right now. “That’s not how the world works.”

A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips, though it didn’t reach his eyes. He thought what I said was… humorous? “It’s not howyourworld works, Dolly. True. But my world? That’s exactly howmyfucking world works.”

God, he sounded like everything and everyone bent to his will. He was a male used to getting what he wanted, no matter the cost.

I stared at him, frustrated. “What does that even mean? Who areyou, Lars?” It was the first time I’d ever said his name out loud, and I could see it affected him on a physical, visceral level.

His breathing changed. His pupils dilated. And I was pretty sure he wasn’t even aware he growled low, like a beast who just sampled what he wanted.

All because of his name.

“The world doesn't work like that for anyone. I want to know what you really want with me.” I didn't keep the demanding tone from my voice.

His face was illuminated by the firelight, which cast shadows that made him seem more devilish and unyielding. And the sight of him made my heart race for other reasons, ones I wouldn't try to dissect.

But I couldn’t ignore that he was a handsome man, that he had this dangerous aura about him that attracted me.

I’m so fucked up.

“I’ll tell you what I want, Dolly, because it’s the simplest thing in the world.” He was silent for a second, letting those words sink in.“I want you to understand that you belong here with me. It’s the simplest answer, Dolly. There is nothing out there for you. There never really was. Isn’t that right?”

I tried to swallow, but I had no saliva to complete the nervous action. I didn't want to agree that he spoke the truth.

“And because of that fact, you don’t need to fight this or me.” He leaned back and took on a relaxed stance. “All you have to do is accept this is your fate, and your life will be perfect.”

A fat tear slid down my cheek, but it wasn't from fear. It was from the truths he was speaking.

“You’ll be my queen, little darling. I’ll take care of you like you’ve never been taken care of before. I have no other purpose in this life but to livefor you.”

Another tear skated down my cheek, and I wiped it away.

My heart hammered in my chest, but there was something about the way he spoke, the honesty in his words, that made my breath catch. Because I could see how genuinely he meant what he said.

He was obsessed. Crazed by his need to take care of me. He looked at me like I was the be all end all. I was his world. His composure was unsettling, laced with a twisted concern for my well-being that terrified me even more… but had me yearning for what he promised.

Because I've never had that.

“And if I don’t… belong here?” I whispered, forcing the words out, because my throat was so tight from my tear-welled eyes.

His expression hardened after I spoke. It was clear that what I said pissed him off. “You’re so fucking wrong, Dolly. Youdobelong here. With me. Whether you accept it or not, you’re mine now. I’m not letting you go.”

I was staring at the fire before he finished talking, unable to wrap my head around everything he said.