“Okay. The survey has some uncomfortable questions, but it’s all with the goal to follow women’s sexual journeys and improving your experiences by avoiding mistakes and hardships.”

Poor pretty bird. It’s too late Astoria, you’ve already committed every fucking mistake in the book. You met me. Alone. She nods, not realizing that I'm salivating over what I want to do to her bodyand mind.

“You’re twenty-two?” She’s the same age Molly was that night.

She nods, biting a corner of her lower lip. Nervous, definitely. Insecure, probably.

“Where did you obtain most of your knowledge about sex? Was it your parents, school, friends, through experience?”

“Well… not from my mom. Um… She started calling me a whore pretty early, so I didn’t touch that subject with a ten-foot pole." Astoria titters. "I guess friends, school and experience.”

“I see. How early did she show this aversion to the subject?”

“I was five.” Her tone makes it clear that she doesn’t want to discuss this further. Given her shocking answer and how she curves into herself, I conclude her mother is abusive.

“Do you… still live with your mom?”

“No. Thank God. I live alone.”

Alone.Butterflies flutter in my stomach at the word.“How many sexual partners have you had?”

“Two. I think I’m a serial monogamist?” She chuckles, unaware of how perfect that makes her for me.

“Have you ever been pregnant?”

“No, and I don’t want to be. That’s why I’m so eager to get this done.”

“Okay. We’ll discuss, and take care of that.”

“How often did you have sex with your last partner?”

“Uhh. Um. Ah–we… only did it twice?” She winces at her last word.

“Twice. Okay." I nod as I write her response on a blank sheet of paper. "How long did your relationship last?”

“I was with him for three years. And we broke up three years ago... Three and three.” Another nervous chuckle. “I just want tomove on, you know? Give love a chance.” She bites her bottom lip and looks at the tile on the floor.

I pretend not to notice her crimson-colored cheeks and resist dropping my mouth open, nodding. “Of course. On those two occasions, did you ever orgasm?”

“Uh-um.” She fidgets, averting her gaze. “No.”

“What about with your other partner?”


“How many times did you engage in sex with your other partner? Do you remember?”

“Uh... about five times.”

I nod. “Have you ever been a victim of physical, or sexual abuse, Ms. Torres?”

She stares at me, her face draining of color.

"Ms. Torres? Have any of your sexual experiences lacked your consent? You didn’t say yes?”

“Um. Yeah. I mean… I’ve never said yes.” Astoria lowers her voice to explain, swallows, and doesn’t dare look my way. She doesn’t want to tell me the truth.

It’s the moment I know with every bone in my body that none of this is an accident. I don’t believe in coincidences, and meeting Astoria is definitely not one.