Why couldn’t he have waited just a second longer? I give her a strained smile and turn towards Daniel, her brother.

He jerks his head at his sisters and smiles softly at them. It’s the first time I've seen him smile that way.

“Sorry Xander intruded on you two. I’ll take him away now.”

“Boo! He was just getting interesting.” Gianna pouts as she leans back to sunbathe.

He rolls his eyes. “Trust me, he’s boring.” Daniel looks at me and nods towards the door. "Neither of our fathers might leave that study alive if we don’t get in there soon."

I spare one more glance at Melissa, watching as she nervously nibbles on her pink, plush bottom lip before walking towards Daniel. I can tell she’s still looking by the muffled giggles, and it gets louder when we skirt the front door and take a side door into the house.

“Let them kill each other. We’ll take our rightful place as the heads and promise not to kill each other.” I half-heartedly laugh, and Daniel scoffs.

“Interesting proposition, but you realize both families will be out for blood. There would never be any peace. Best friends, or not.”

I suck my teeth. Daniel takes the stairs two at a time, his footsteps stomping over the marble back to the study.

I am itching to end this argument, so I walk ahead of him. So far, I have control over the legal part of the business at Amory Corp. Soon, I will enter the darker part of the corporation, and I want to show I am ready for it.

Daniel turns back to wink at me. “They asked that I bring you in. I’m sure it won’t be long now.”

I grunt and follow him back to the study, where my father is pacing the length of the large room, his fists bunched at his sides. He waves a hand towards Sedric who is sitting behind his desk, leaning back like he doesn’t have a care in the world. “Daniel, did you know your father lacks the grit to run this empire?”

Daniel shrugs, an angry light in his eyes that doesn’t reach his voice. “I’m certain you were just about to tell him that. And considering you’re in the man’s house, you might want to tone it down.”

Father continues to snap at Sedric, and I know from his tone that there will be no resolution today. They’re too angry to see the bigger picture, and I’m frustrated because that’s all I can see.

The legal side of the Amory Corp. teaches you how to be level-headed, and the darker side teaches you how to be ruthless. My father spends too much time in the dark.

“Amory, I’ll have your head above my fireplace!”

“Want to bet?!”

I roll my eyes. “If we cannot be civil, then we need to call it a day.”

Sedric pauses, looking me over, and so does my father. “Your son is right.”

My father sighs. “Tomorrow?”

“Sunday. Outside the church. Even the playing field,” I suggest. Both men grunt in agreement. “Great. Bathroom, then we leave. No more shop talk while I’m gone.”

Annoyed, I exit the study and go down the stairs, pass by the kitchen, and find the restroom. I use the bathroom, staring at a huge picture of a 1950s woman bent over a toilet bowl with her hand over her lips in a shocked expression.

Her soft blonde curls remind me of Melissa. If I did what I wanted to her, she would look like that, breathless, mouth agape, waiting to be filled.

Fuck.I shake my head clear of her because Daniel would never let me close enough even to try.

I wash my hands at the sink, wishing I was home with my brothers or out there at Amory working; it would be so much better than wasting a big part of my day dealing with this bullshit. I step out of the bathroom, let the door close behind me slowly, walk down the hallway, and almost run smack into her.

Her eyes widened, and she froze right in front of me. Her blonde hair is wet and matted to her head in loose waves.

She’s wrapped in a large blue towel. It’s short and barely covers her thighs. Without meaning to, my eyes roam over her frame wishing to unwrap her like the present she is.

She scrambles for the folds of the towel but it’s already sliding down her sides, her bikini winking out and providing a stunning view of her breasts still snug, and almost slipping from her now wet bikini.

She gasps and I take a step forward, my cock already growing. She pulls the towel over her breasts and exhales a shaky stream of air. “Jeez, that was close.”

Not close enough. Her green eyes are staring up at me, half a smile tipping her lips as a blush invades her cheeks. I’m itching to invade her space. The way her eyes rise to mine makes it look as though the sun is rising.