“Watch your teeth.” I lower my gaze, my voice a deadly sweet tone I usually use before taking someone’s finger as a souvenir.

Tension spreads throughout her spine as she jerks to attention, but I keep my eyes closed, focusing on the images of Gwen that I can still conjure. I can see how perfectly Gwen and I fit together, and I try to remember how she moaned my name that night.Fuck.

“Nikolai! ??, ?????? ?????, ?????? ?????!” Nadia’s voice rings through the door, but I drown it out.

I swear I can hear Gwen whispering Nik into my ear right before breaking apart. The blonde taps my thigh.

“Nikolai,” she whispers, her voice that cautious steady you use when cornered with a predator, but with Gwen this close to me, I don’t hear her again until she mumbles, “M-my jaw…”

The images of Gwen fade away from me, and my cock falls limp again as the blonde comes back into focus. I pinch her jaw, a defeated look on my face as my thumb runs sharply down her jaw.

I whisper, “Go,” pulling my completely softened cock away from her lips.

Her face twists up in confusion, and she reaches forward. “What? Give me one more chance.”

“No need…” I trail off because I can’t remember the girl’s name for the life of me.

“Isabel.” I snap my fingers and nod, a devilish smile spreading on my lips.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Isabel.” I reach over my table, grab a napkin to clean my member, and press a button under my table that unlocks the door Nadia frantically rattles. “I’ll call if I need you again.”

I smile, knowing the words I am saying are a lie. Nadia stumbles in mid-shake of the door and scowls at me. “You fucking asshole.”

“That’s what you get for not waiting five minutes.” I roll my eyes, looking back down at the blonde, who patiently waits for something to clean her face.

She sits like the good girl she has been trained to be: on her knees, with her hands flat, face up, and head bowed. Before Gwen, I’d admire a girl like this, even try to remember her name, but now I just incredulously stare at her for still being here when it is clear I would rather be with someone else. I’d rather be with Gwen.

“Is there something you need, Isabel?”

“Mr. Petrov, I can be a good girl. I can do it,” she nods, lunging at my limp cock.

My balls almost suck themselves back into my body, and I swiftly turn around, my eyes darkly on hers and a humorless grin on my face as I catch her chin between my thumb and forefinger.

“People have lost their lives for less. I would hate to get blood on my new Armani suit because you can’t take a fucking hint.” I bring a napkin to her face, wiping the saliva from the corner of her mouth. “Now go.”

Nadia leans over, grabbing more napkins for the girl, and she snaps her fingers sharply, looking impatiently. “Come on, sweetheart, move it before I move you.”

Isabel looks at me with wide eyes as she stumbles to stand. “I’m sorry, Mr. Petrov.” I nod as Isabel bows before scurrying out of the room, not even grabbing the additional napkins Nadia so kindly offered.

“Alek, I never knew you were the type to watch your siblings fuck,” I tease. Aleksandr flips me off, an empty look in his eyes, and I smirk, grabbing another napkin and continuing the work of cleaning myself up.

Aleksandr’s humorless voice cuts through the room, “Since when did you have your mistress bow? Isn’t the protection and fuck me package enough?”

“It’s not a fuck-me package; it’s a thank you because, unlike you, Nik is a gentleman.” Nadia smacks Alek in the chest and nods her head at me.

“Thank you. Besides, she’s not my mistress and did the bowing herself. I like to see it as a sign of respect.” I shrug, tucking my member back into my slacks and throwing the used napkin into the bin under my desk.

“I don’t need to be a gentleman when I can actually fuck.” Aleksandr’s voice, despite the attempt at humor, is so even it slices like a knife.

“Oh, Alek, let him have this,” Nadia said. “It’s obvious he had us waiting over a very important failed blowjob,” Nadia snickers, and Aleksandr offers her a fist bump with a smug smile on his face.

I roll my eyes, leaning back in my seat. If the small act of offering the blonde a napkin or the light bickering between us, makes youthink Nadia, or as most of us call her, Nadi, is kind, then think again. She is the first woman to be second in command of the Russian Mafia, not because of her kindness. She was made my right hand after the unfortunate ‘disappearance’ of my father and was known for her ruthless yet efficient torture techniques. While I lob off a pinky or two, she takes pleasure in carving up her victims and leaving them permanently disfigured, if they ever live to tell the tale, or more likely, leave a message that she is coming for more.

Nadia has the temperament of our father and the looks of our mother, with straight, butt-length blonde hair cascading down her slim, athletic build and bright blue eyes that have slowly faded over the years.

“Come on,” Aleksandr’s robotically even voice sighs. “Nik has always thought with his dick. You would think with so much access to pussy he wouldn’t need to.”

I throw a pen at Aleksandr, but he catches it, staring at me with the same empty eyes. I avoid looking too deeply into his eyes, not wanting to fall victim to his void. Despite being the youngest, Aleksandr is massively built and looks exactly like our father.