How the hell do I get away from this man without pissing him off? I look around, eyes darting wildly as though someone will come to rescue me. A pair of dark green eyes ensnare me, heat rushing through me and chasing away the slimy feeling ofthe other man’s attention. The green-eyed stranger is tall and muscular, biceps straining against his navy blue suit jacket as he crosses his arms over his chest. A glittery pink child’s backpack is perched on his shoulder, but the accessory doesn’t dull the dark intensity in his stare.
Oh my God, who is this man?
There’s a weird, warm feeling beneath my ribs that I’ve never felt before, like there’s an invisible tether yanking me towards him. I can’t look away, especially not when he starts taking long strides in my direction.
His gaze goes ice cold as his eyes flick from me to the parent, his lips setting in a grim line. His sharp jawline is accentuated by a short, well-kept beard, and his hair is perfectly styled in a way that somehow manages to look effortless. He glances down at my lanyard, then back up to meet my gaze, utterly ignoring the other man who frankly looks appalled at being interrupted. It’s incredibly satisfying—not that I’ll admit it.
“Ah, the new teacher,” my rescuer says, his voice deep and rich. He dips his head, lowering his voice so that the other man can’t hear. “Walk this way with me, let him think I’ve got something critically important to discuss with you.”
I nod, gasping, when he lightly grasps my elbow to lead me away. Sparks shoot along my skin from where his hand touches me, making my breath stutter in my chest. We step away, him blocking me from the other man just in case he tries to follow again.
“So, uh, did you … have anything to discuss with me?” I stammer out, trying desperately to compose myself but failing miserably.
My rescuer shakes his head, a small smile on his face. The ice in his eyes has melted, turning warm and inviting.
“No,” he admits. “You just looked like you could use some help.”
I feel myself blush, gratitude rising in me and mixing with the overwhelming attraction.
“Oh, uh … thank you…?” I trail off, realizing I don’t know his name.
“I’m Damien, Lola’s uncle,” he introduces with a devastating smile that makes my heart thump hard against my ribs.
“Delaney,” I reply, completely forgetting to be formal and introduce myself in the appropriate manner as Miss Graeme.This man—Damien—is scrambling my brain so badly that I literally can’t remember my own name. I try to recover, realizing his name sounds familiar. “Lola’s talked about you before. About ice cream trips and a pony called Bob?” I say with a laugh, and Damien’s grin widens.
“Billy,” he corrects, shaking his head.
“Whatever she named it, she loves it. And you. She’s a lucky little girl to have a man to look up to like you, a man who stands up for women he doesn’t even know,” I comment, meaning every word. Lola’s one of the most stubborn kids in my class, and I mean that in the best way. She always stands up for her friends—a trait she’s clearly learned from her uncle.
Damien’s smile dissolves into a look I can’t decipher. He’s staring at me as though he can see me right down to my very soul.
“Everyone should have someone willing to do whatever it takes to take care of them,” he murmurs, his voice softer than before. It sends a shiver over my skin.
“I can’t imagine how it feels to have someone like that,” I admit, my mouth moving before my brain can think better of it. My cheeks flame as I realize what I’ve just admitted, and I go to apologize, but he’s speaking before I can get another word out.
“I could show you how good it feels,” Damien says, utter sincerity in his voice that takes me aback.
My lips part, but I have no words to answer that. Longing rockets to life inside of me, and try as I might, I can’t shove it back down. I’ve learned to live with the goal of taking care of those I love, but never myself, and wishing for anything else is nothing but detrimental. And yet…
My body sways towards him of its own accord, unconcerned with my warring thoughts. I want to be close to him; my instincts are screaming for it.
Damien looks like he’s about to say something more, but the sound of someone calling my name interrupts us.
“Miss Graeme?”
I startle, turning my head to find Mrs. Gray, first grade teacher and one of my favorite colleagues, poking her head out of the door.
“Just one second, Mrs. Gray,” I answer with a smile, and she nods, waiting. I turn back to Damien as Lola rushes into his legs, a dark-haired blur of excitement.
“Ice cream time!” The child giggles, and Damien’s smile is warm and full of love as he picks her up in a hug that makes my heart squeeze in my chest.
“Sure thing, Lola Bug,” Damien tells her, and goddammit if it isn’t the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. It should be illegal for a man to be simultaneously this hot and this kind and this adorably caring all at once. Seriously, it’s not fair on my heart.
I pause, stuck between going back inside the school in an attempt to pretend Damien doesn’t affect me in such an unexplainable way and ignoring my colleagues to stay in his presence just a second longer.
Lola makes the choice for me, tugging Damien’s hand insistently when he sets her back on her feet. Damien’s gaze catches mine for a second, and he extends his hand towards me, a thin card between his fingers.
“Call me when you’re ready to be spoiled the way you deserve,” he says slowly as I take the card, too astonished to say anything back before he walks away.