“No, he didn’t. Just drop it, Snow. Mind your own business.”
He places his hand on my neck, squeezing but not cutting off my airway. “I’m your fiancé. You come on my dick and mouth every night, and you have the audacity to tell me to mind my own business?”
“I’m your toy, that’s all I am to you, remember?”
He lets me go, and I breathe in deeply.
“You and I both know you are more than just a toy to me.”
I’m so fucking irritated.
“What’s with these guards? Why don’t you tell me what’s going on, Snow? We already found out who Bailey’s boyfriend is.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Just tell me.”
I move past him, swinging the door open, but Snow grabs me by the arm and ushers me to the car. My phone rings, and I hit the End button, sending a message to the group chat and letting them know I’ll be there in a second.
“You’re ruining my bachelorette party.”
He strokes the side of my cheek. “I can’t believe you think you’re still my toy. I told you I wanted you, and you’re not comprehending it. You’re my fiancée.”
“We’re not in a relationship, Snow,” I bite back.
“You’re my property and I own every inch of you. Your tits and the holes between your legs are mine. Everything about you is mine.”
“I’m not that important if you won’t tell me what’s going on. You’re hiding something from me.” He doesn’t respond, so I go on, “If you want this relationship to work, whatever this is—”
“Engagement,” he corrects me.
“Whatever. You’re going to have to be honest with me.” I fold my arms across my chest.
“I will. When it all blows over.”
Whatever he’s hiding, I’m going to find out. It’s frustrating that he won’t tell me what’s going on, that he keeps me in the dark about stuff.
“Fine, Snow.”
I’m not about to allow him to ruin my bachelorette party, so without a word, I step out of the car, but not before Snow grabs me by the neck.
“I need you to trust me, Lyrics. Trust that I have everything under control, and trust that I will do anything or kill anyone to keep you safe.”
Without another word, I go back into the club, and I drink until I’m drunk off my ass.
Someone knocks on my door, and I rush to open it. My mother stands in the archway with an overnight bag in her hand and a box of pizza in the other. This is a surprise, because I wasn’t expecting to see her until our lunch date next week.
The guard eyes my mother cautiously, and I place my hand on his shoulder. This is another reason why I should be concerned about whatever Snow’s hiding. If he feels like someone is after me, I need to know, so I can protect myself.
“It’s okay. This is my mother.”
Snow is freaking me out with the guards, and he’s been paranoid lately, making sure I have a guard following me whenever he’s not around. He won’t tell me what’s going on, and I feel like I’m alone where everyone else is in on this big secret. No matter how many times I ask him what’s going on, he won’t tell me. It seems like nothing has changed with him.
“What are you doing here?”