Aoife went into her basket and pulled out a bundle of letters. “Adam went on the behest of Ben to collect your mail. It’s been collecting in Marathon for a couple of weeks.”
Bernadette took the letters and there were so many from her friend. Her heart sank.
“I usually check in by email, but…it’s been busy.”
“Ben can get you set up so you can do all of that still. Then you can let her know you’re safe. Eventually, you’ll have to shut down your old life. No one will understand if you pop out a Sasquatch baby in a human hospital.”
“If I can,” Bernadette remarked, picking at the string holding her letters together.
“Let me see.”
“See what?” Bernadette asked.
“I am a witch too. Part witch that is. I can see things. I can check on why the human doctors think you’re unable to have children.”
“Sure.” Bernadette was intrigued.
Aoife set down her basket and knelt in front of Bernadette the best she could with her own belly. “May I?”
Aoife laid a hand on Bernadette’s lower belly and closed her eyes. Warmth spread through Bernadette and it felt like there was a light going through her. A white light and it felt good. Almost like it was healing her.
“Oh, I see,” Aoife whispered, her voice sounding hollow and far away. “You’re not witch. You have wolf in you.”
“What?” Bernadette asked.
“Wolf. It was hidden in your family. You are definitely an alpha mate. Or would be, but there is magic blocking it, but it’swaning away. You are going into your first heat.” Aoife removed her hand and opened her eyes. “You are ready. No wonder so many beings were attracted to you. I also have a feeling this uncle of yours knew he was a wolf too. I would wager a very low-ranking wolf, which is why he wants you. No wonder you were able to cross the veil atThe Lusty Krakenso easily.”
“It all seems unreal.”
Aoife smiled warmly. “A bit. You have the ability to hold on to your mate until the seed takes. Usually, male wolves knot, but Sasquatches don’t. However, since you’ve chosen Ben as your mate, you can hold on to him until impregnation is complete.”
Thinking about that, being locked in a carnal embrace with Ben until she got pregnant, made her blood ignite, it also made her think a bunch of dirty thoughts, which just excited her all the more.
“So I cans shift?”
Aoife worried her bottom lip. “I’m not sure. You are half human, but you’re definitely a wolf mate. The wolves are a very secretive society. I would seek out a pack leader and maybe then you could learn more about your heritage.”
It was a lot to take in. It would be freeing to be able to shift into a wolf, then nothing could harm her. She’d be strong. Stronger than she ever thought possible.
“Thank you for letting me know. I’m still a bit…floored by this revelation.”
“No doubt.” Aoife stood and handed her the basket. “I’ll let you doctor Ben’s wound. It’s all there, the poultice and bandages. Then you can take care of what needs to be done. Once you carry Ben’s baby, this will all end.”
“The other beings hunting you. And if that wendigo is your uncle, he’ll dissipate and won’t be a threat. Wemdigos have specific purposes when they’re turned. Once their purpose ends,they die. Although, not all wendigos have a purpose. Some just like to kill.”
Aoife walked off the porch and glided easily down the slope away from Ben’s cabin. Bernadette jammed the letters in the basket, her body thrumming with need. She was still in awe that she had wolf in her blood, but after what she’d been experiencing for some time, it wasn’t as shocking as she thought.
It all kind of made sense. The dreams, the talk of the moon. It was logical. She was a wolf, or at least part wolf, no wonder she could always sense things beyond what normal humans could.
She was a part of this world.
Now, she had a chance to make all her dreams come true.
She went back into the cabin and locked the door behind her.