“I’m yours.”

“Yes. No one is going to take you from me.”

She sighed and buried her face in his fur. Her beast would protect her.

“Beware the wendigo.”Cillian’s warning played through her mind.

As she looked over her shoulder, red eyes glowed in the darkness of the alley.

“You’re mine,”her uncle hissed.

And all she could do was hold on to Ben for dear life.


Ben meant what he said. No one was going to take Bernadette from him, especially now that she remembered who he was. It was a dream come true as far as he was concerned. He was pissed beyond belief that Cillian had touched her, but he couldn’t really be too angry. He appreciated that Cillian undid what Aoife had done to Bernadette. It was something that Ben didn’t think could be fixed. He thought those memories of their meeting were gone forever.

Although, there was part of him that wondered why Cillian would go to such an effort and what was he doing at the hospital where Bernadette worked.

Cillian didn’t do things out of the goodness of his heart.

If he even had one.

Don’t worry about that, a little voice reminded him.

None of that mattered right now. He had Bernadette in his arms and had just brought her through the portal to the woods. It was just a matter of getting her to his home without any of his other brothers scenting her, or any other magical beingobjecting to her presence, because Bernadette was not supposed to be here.

Adam might’ve given his agreement, silently, but that didn’t mean he’d convinced everyone else that it was okay. And the council wouldn’t be too keen on knowing that it was Cillian who convinced Adam to allow Ben to claim his mate.

Cillian might’ve brought about the blood magic to cover this northern realm with their protective bubble, but that didn’t mean he was well received.

No one trusted the wraith. Especially since he straddled all the realms and had influence, including in the netherworld.

So Ben wasn’t taking any chances getting Bernadette home. Not until he officially claimed her and she became his. Just thinking about taking her to his cave made his cock go hard and throb in anticipation. Tasting her the other night had been torture. He wanted to bury himself again in her tight pussy, fill her with his seed and breed with her.

“Where are we?” Bernadette asked. “This place looks familiar.”

“Near Marathon. Not far from Thunder Bay.”

“Really?” she asked. “Portal travel takes us that far?”

“Yes. Portals are a network spread across realms. The golden ones, like the one we passed through, connect to the nearest concentration of other realm beings, but really, you can think about where you want to go and the golden portals take you there.”

“Like transporting.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Huh?”

“I take it you didn’t watch much television.”

“Uh. No.”

She giggled. “Are there other colors?”

He nodded. “Red connects to other realms only. Black, you avoid as they require blood to pass through them. They go to the netherworld.

“What’s in the netherworld?”

“Demons, imps, wendigos. The damned monsters.”