“Sorry to interrupt, Boss,” their security, Malcolm Holmes, said from an intercom. “I have a delivery for you from Lady Night. She says it’s an early birthday present.”
Zach smiled. They’d known Lady Night for years. She was a good friend. She worked at The House of Saber, a BDSM club they'd frequented before but now only for meetings. She also sent them birthday presents every year, from socks to ties and beer mugs, ‘meant to keep them humble,’ she said.
“Bring it up, please, Malcolm,” Reece said.
Just over ten minutes later Malcolm arrived, and just behind him, their early birthday present from Lady Night.
Zach, Bradford, and Reece rose to their feet at the sight of the woman, clad from top to bottom in black latex. Her curves left nothing to the imagination. Full breasts, perfect hips, their gazes momentarily fixed at the apex of her lovely thighs, before they took in her high-heeled boots.
Some sort of net fabric veiled her eyes, making it harder for them to catch the color of her irises. Even her lips were covered with a flap of latex.
At the sight of her, their blood drained from their veins and shuttled down into their cocks, the hit to their bodies was so hard and jarring, they felt off balance.
What the fuck?
They glanced at each other, knowing perfectly well what each of them was thinking.
How far were they going to let her go before they sent her back home again?
Chapter Five
Oh. Dear. God.
She was in.
She was in Bradford Evans’, Reece Fischer’s, and Zachariah Smith’s house. Well, not their permanent home. This was just a one-bedroom penthouse they owned, one of a couple of hundred apparently sprinkled around the world.
Lady Night’s source, one of their bodyguards who trusted Lady Night on their behalf and easily granted her access into theirrealmwhenever she wanted, had told her they were finishing up a meeting in the penthouse and then they were splitting up and going to three different continents for meetings that would last possibly a few weeks or longer, no one knew exactly how long though.
This was Calista’s only chance, or she’d have to wait, god, knew how long before she got them all three together in one place. It could be months. She didn’t have months of going out of her mind with thoughts of them.
She wasn’t waiting anymore. This was it.
She also knew from her father that, they actually lived in a mansion that looked like a castle out in the country. Each one of them had a wing to themselves. Hank had also told her he choseher mother and Calista over a bachelor wing of the castle, and he would do it again and again until the end of time.
But finally, all the dots were connected here. They were the dots, her, Bradford, Reece, and Zachariah here in this penthouse, so here was where the showdown would go down.
And best of all, she’d gotten this close to them, and they didn’t know it was her their trusted bodyguard had brought up as an early birthday present from Lady Night, or they would have had her thrown out on her ass, right into the Hudson River if they uncovered her true identity. But this was working. Her diabolical plan was working.
She used every bit of control she possessed not to rip off the mask and start bouncing up and down, clapping her hands, and sayinggotcha. After years and years of slipping through her fingers like sand, she was standing right in front of them, and they didn’t know it was her.
Composure. That was her word for the day. Also, she needed them at least partially incapacitated, so they could do nothing but listen to her when she said all she wanted to say.
While her heart pounded with excitement, the rest of her body had started to do some other unfamiliar things. Did a charge of adrenaline also harden her nipples, because she certainly wasn’t cold? She was quite the opposite, actually; she was slowly simmering in the heat of the suit.
And the tenseness between her thighs, the ache in her clit? What the crap was all that about? Least of her problems, she decided. Her focus was purely targeted on the three incredibly tall men—well, over six three—dressed in their usual bespoke suits, looking as if they belonged on the cover of some aristocrat magazine for the sophisticated, noble male with justa side of devilish ruggedness to cast an alluring doubt on their gentleman-like character.
Tabby was right, of course. They were not the usual ‘dad’s best friends’, guys with beer bellies, wearing strappy sandals, khaki shorts, and haircuts they got on the way to pick up milk from the store, which basically described her dad. God, she missed him so much. But her dad’s friends were nothing like him.
They always appeared larger than life to her, from the first moment she could remember seeing them. She’d overhear her mom’s girlfriends always go on about them, calling her dad’s best friends, hot, sexy, panty-melting, earth-shattering gorgeous, as they begged for introductions that would never happen since her mom had told them the only panty-melting Bradford, Reece, and Zachariah did was on supermodels with legs for days and celebrities deemed the most beautiful women in the world.
She’d been fourteen at the time, took one look at herself in the mirror, and concluded she was never going to be tall enough if she grew to be a hundred-year-old supermodel and never beautiful enough to be a celebrity. Thank goodness. She didn’t want her panties to melt. That sounded downright painful. And yes, while other fourteen-year-old girls were wearing full-face makeup and dating, she and Tabby were still bruising their knees riding their bikes. Those other girls also didn’t have a sick mom, she thought sadly.
Well, her dad’s best friends hadn’t changed much over the years, except for maybe streaks of gray at their temples that just accentuated the sharpness of their symmetrical jawlines currently dusted with a five o’clock shadow.
Bradford still had those stern green eyes, like a lake under a winter sky, unyielding, dangerous. He kept his dark hair short and neat; nothing frivolous about it.
Reece’s chocolate dark hair slicked back, matched his cerulean blue eyes, the likes of a calm sea, but he also hid what was beneath it with a placid smile.