Her gaze caught the letter that Lady Night had sent them. Before she could stop herself, she was reading it.
To you three.
Happy early birthday! I hope you like my present. But seriously, the minute she told me she was Hank Saunders’ daughter, your best friend’s daughter, and how shitty you were treating her, I took one look at her, and I knew the reason why.
You big old goofs. There’s only one reason you’ve gone cold turkey on that girl. You love her. All three of you love her. And you weren’t doing anyone any favors by staying away from her.
Now stop being such dickwads—that’s her word, by the way. She called you dickwads for how you were treating her. Just take her. I don’t know why you’re choosing to be such grumps when you can just take her. You love her. Take her. Or someone else will, trust me.
Oh, and I sent you a little something to help you get started with her.
Stay light,
Lady Night
They loved her?
Calista read her note again. Yes, they loved her. They stayed away because they thought they were being noble. She couldn’t contain herself, and she didn’t care that they were sleeping. She bound on to the bed and started to jump up and down.
“You love me. You really, truly love me. You love me. You really, really love me.” She sang over and over again, bouncing higher and higher.
“What are you doing?” Reece asked sleepily while Bradford and Zachariah slowly awoke, too.
“You love me. It’s in a letter. I have proof.”
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Bradford said, pulling a pillow over his face. She grabbed the pillow, then kissed him soundly. “You love me.”
She did the same to Reece and Zachariah.
“Are you going to be like this every morning?”
“For the rest of your life. Oh yeah, I’m going to outlive your three, since you're so hung up on age, so get used to it.” She started to jump up and down again, singing the same song, until Bradford grabbed her legs and toppled her over onto her back, then effortlessly held her down.
“Are you going to keep quiet?”
“Only if you say you love me. Altogether now. Say, "We love you, Calista, and we’re sorry for being such dickwads.”
“How about we just stuff you with our cocks and call it a day?”
“If you don’t say it, your cocks will have nowhere to be stuffed.”
“God, what have we gotten ourselves into?”
“Say it. For me? Please.” She fought off Bradford's arm over her chest and sat up to face them.
They took deep sighs and looked at her.
“We love you, Calista. We’re sorry for being such dickwads.” They all three said.
She couldn’t help it. Her eyes filled with tears.
“I love you, Bradford. I love you, Reece. I love you, Zachariah.”
“That’s good.”
“That’s good?” she asked incredulously.
“Makes matters a little easier since we weren’t going to let you go anyway,” Reece said.