Chapter Two

How could Calista not be mad at them?

Theypaidher a ridiculous sum of money then they point blank refused to see her after her dad’s funeral.

Not that she hadn’t tried to see them over the last few years. She had. She called. She visited them at their skyscraper office. She waited for them at their home. She stalked them. And each time, she failed to make contact. They just avoided her like the plague.

It bothered her. For four freaking long years, it bothered her, but this year it seemed to consume her. How could they call themselves her dad’s best friends when they couldn’t honor his last dying wish?

And it wasn’t as if she needed looking after anyway. She was already a grownup. Her dad had left her some money, so she didn’t need theirs. She finished school, got her degree, and landed a job in marketing at a reputable retail company. She didn’t need babysitting, for goodness’ sake.

All she wanted was to meet for lunch once in a while. They could tell her stories about her dad when they were young. They were the only three men who knew her dad better than anyone else alive.

So was she the problem for their grand scale shunning? Did they just not like her enough to show her a couple of minutes of their time? Well, she was having none of that. Not anymore. They were going to face her head on whether they liked it or not. They didn’t like it or they would still be in her life. And now she couldn’t wait for the shock that was bound to register on their stupid handsome faces when they discovered she was KittyHotStuff69.

Oh, yes, they were going to put the S in surprise when they saw her face-to-face. Well, her face to them all tied up, so they wouldn’t be able to evade her. Her revenge plans were foolproof.

KittyHotStuff69 was foolproof.

And they deserved it, she reassured herself again. Did they have any idea how much her dad loved them? He spoke about them nonstop. He was in awe of them. He admired them. And this was how they responded to his friendship in death, by throwing his only child aside like she didn’t matter at all? Nope, she wasn’t going to allow them to get off without some repercussion: her. She was the repercussion of their rather callous actions.

“I’m going to look them dead in the eye when I sayadieus,which will be before I let them know I cracked their snub crusade against me because ‘gotcha, I’m KittyHotStuff69,’ and they couldn’t avoid me.”

“You’re not Kitty... Okay, never mind. I get it. But god have mercy. I’m too afraid to ask, but what exactly are you going to do? What grand, insane, diabolical plan did you concoct while I was conveniently knee-deep in sludge getting my ass bitten off by mosquitoes?”

“Okay, so…,” Calista took a deep breath. “My plan is not entirely diabolical. It’s just the right amount of unhinged to get my pointacross. In fact, I think I deserve to be called a genius for what I devised given my limited resources.”

“Just tell me,” Tabby said, waving her on.

“So you know that club they go to?”

“The secret BDSM one?” Tabby asked, her eyes as wide as plates, shaking her head at the same time.

“Just hear me out. But yes, that one. House of Saber. Anyway, three days ago, I tried one last time to get in.” She decided to try the club instead of their office or their home because entering those spaces was virtually impossible.

“Naturally, I was only allowed onto level one, which is a very classy bar, and I could get a week's worth of food for the price of one drink. I tried begging the security guy to let me go to the upper levels, but I just couldn’t wear him down. While I was sitting at the bar, drinking away my grocery budget, and trying to see if I’d have better luck with the barman in getting onto the next level, this woman slid in next to me. Oh my god, Tabby, she was stunning. No, an actual goddess. Regal. Magnificent. And I’m not exaggerating.

“She was wearing this leather pencil skirt, and a corset, and her shoes? To die for. The barman bowed to her.Bowed to her.And called her Lady Night.Lady Night.He served her a drink and bowed to her again. Then she looked at me—gave me this intense once-over—and asked me why I wanted to go up—was I looking for a job?

“I told myself to think fast, this might be it. So I said, ‘yes,’ and she said, ‘that’s not true.’ Then she told me to come sit with her in one of the booths and tell her my story. Oversharer that I am,that’s what I did. I told her everything—who they were, what they meant to my dad, what they did to me. And guess what?”

“What?” Tabby shouted.

“She knows them. She knows Zachariah, she knows Reece, and she knows Bradford. Can you believe that? She said she’s known them for years, and it doesn’t sound like something they would do, and now she’s invested, and she wants to know why they did that to me. And that’s how I became KittyHotStuff69.”

“Calista Anne Saunders, do you want me to kill you?” Tabby shrieked, bounced off the bed, and started to shake Calista by the shoulders. “How, dammit, how did you become KittyHotStuff69?”

Chapter Three

Calista plastered a smug smile on her face as she explained exactly how she became KittyHotStuff69.

“Lady Night asked if I was doing anything on Friday night, which is tonight, and I said, ‘no.’ She asked if I had a latex catsuit and mask, and I said, ‘no,’ and she said to order some online. Apparently, she sends them presents for their birthdays which is around this time of the year and she’s going to send me, KittyHotStuff69. She is sending them a real present anyway, it’s in that briefcase,” Calista said and pointed to a black bag on her desk.

“But with the mask, no one will know it’s me and because she knows them that well and if she tells their security she’s sending them an early birthday present, me, they’ll just let me in. Andthat’show I became KittyHotStuff69.” Calista bobbed her head and shrugged.

“If that’s not serendipity, nothing is. Am I right? I mean, what were the chances? Lady Night literally just handed me the keys to their kingdom.”

This was meant to be. And her plans were two-pronged. First, revenge for them avoiding her and then goodbye forever for closure.