Deep down, she knew this was just another tactic of theirs to keep her away. They did want to scare her and make her turn away from them. They had no idea how desperate she was. What scraps she would take from them and live off of them.
“What’s it going to be, Calista?” Using his thumb, Bradford parted the folds of her center and slipped the head of the small key into the entrance of her pussy. She shuddered, gasping at the touch. She was a virgin, but even she couldn’t deny the raw, deviant eroticism of it all.
He pushed in a little deeper at the same moment that Reece glided his thumb over her mouth, pulling her lower lip down before he trailed that same finger down her throat, all the way to her clit.
She squirmed as Bradford moved the key inside her, and even though he merely breached her, the feeling of fullness that exploded around her released a fresh dose of wetness to seep from her.
Reece glided his thumb over her clit, pressing against her swollen bud, and made her think she was going to disintegrate into the wood of the desk on which she sat.
“What is it going to be, Sweetheart?” Reece asked, releasing her clit from his hold, only to bring his thumb to his mouth so he could lick off her wetness.
“I… I’m not leaving—”
No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Reece curled his large, calloused hand around her throat, startling her with the dominance he usually kept at bay. She couldn’t stop her pussy from fluttering, and she knew that Bradford felt her pulsing too.
“I don’t think you understand the choice you’re making, Calista.” Reece squeezed at her throat, his eyes darkened. Was she going to orgasm right there at that moment?
“I’m not leaving. You’re not getting rid of me.”
Why? She asked herself silently.
Because I just want you to want me, to love me. Like a man loves a woman.
I don’t think you understand what we mean when we say we’re going to own everything about you.”
“If you’re trying to scare me...”
“You should be scared, little kitten. We’re twice your fucking age, and the things we can do to you... are you sure you want to stick around and find out?” Zach growled. Bradford flipped the slippery key around, this time using the serrated edge to enter the shallow part of her pussy.
Dear god. What were they doing to her?
“I’m not scared,” she whispered, as Bradford turned the key inside her. Didn’t they know they could do anything they wanted to her?
Chapter Fifteen
Calista barely had the time to draw in a breath before Bradford removed the key from her body and handed it to Zachariah. Her already blood-red cheeks spiked up a notch at the sight of her wetness coating the metal.
She couldn’t stop the full-body quivers as Zachariah, with his gaze still on her, licked her essence from the key before he unlocked the handcuffs.
She wasn’t given any time to ponder the whips of arousal coursing through her body at what Zachariah had done before Reece’s mouth descended on hers, and she couldn’t recall her own name.
Reece played with her lips until she parted them on her own accord. His tongue swept inside her, and greed and yearning had her kissing him back, desperate to want to taste him so she could store it in her memory bank. She still had no idea when they were going to pull the rug out from under her and stop touching her. The more they touched her, the more inevitable it seemed they would stop.
Reece released her. On the other side of her, Zachariah held her jaw and turned her to face him. He ran his lips up the side of her neck, to her jaw, and then to her ear.
“Are you sure, Calista?” He asked, taking the hand he’d just freed from the handcuffs and placing it over his cock, nestled inside his ridiculously expensive suit pants. Dear god, she was not going to survive this.
She couldn’t catch her breath. The skin on her palm sizzled over his huge, oh-so-hard cock.
While her world spun on an out-of-control axis, Reece unbuttoned the shirt she wore. He pulled one side off her shoulder and out of her arm, bearing only half of her.
A cool breeze licked her skin before Reece covered her breast with his hand, his thumb flicking over her taut nipple and making her go crazier than she thought possible.
“Can you feel how big I am?” Zachariah asked. “Do you know how much bigger I’ll be getting when I dip the tip into the sweet, tight confines of your body? Times that by three. Me. Bradford. Reece. Three thick, hard, voracious cocks, and all we want is to fuck you until you come all over us. But there's only one of you. Are you sure you want to stay?”
When he put it that way...