Yes. Let’s.
RETURNING TO THESEwalls feels surreal, almost like a bad dream. I try not to make eye contact with anyone, especially since many of the guards recognize me. The only person I want to see is Xander. I hope he's on shift because I've wanted to thank him ever since I escaped. Without his help, I wouldn’t be where I am now.
Addison glances around the brick walls with distaste. “Yuck, no wonder you didn’t like it here,” she mutters. “It smells funny.”
“Well, it isn’t a hotel,” Ciara points out.
“No kidding,” Addison retorts.
“Stop bickering, you two. You’re like a couple of old ladies,” I interject with a scoff.
We go through all the check-in processes and head to the visitor’s room. The moment I step inside, my heart twists and my stomach knots. I've only ever been in this room as a prisoner, and I hated sitting at these tables across from Jackson, unable to touch him.
Scanning the room, a smile spreads across my face when I see Xander on duty. He notices me, his eyes widening before a smile breaks out on his face as well. He approaches, stopping in front of me. “Serenity, I didn’t think I’d see you back here.”
I want to hug him, but I can’t. “I’m on the right side of the table this time,” I joke. “I’m so glad I ran into you. I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done.”
There are cameras here, so I avoid mentioning his role in my escape. Officially, he only helped by making a statement that Hound was the one who took me. He smiles, understanding what I mean.
“You’re very welcome. Thank you, too,” he replies.
I know why he’s thanking me. The club cleared his debt and got him out of trouble. Xander finally has his life back. He also kept his job, which I’m so happy for, because he seems to do really well here, and people respect him. He deserves freedom, he’s one of the good ones.
“Is Walker doing okay in here?”
Xander nods. “He keeps to himself and stays out of trouble. He’s a good prisoner. Nobody bothers him much.”
That’s reassuring to hear. I take a seat at the table with Addison and Ciara, waiting for Walker to be brought in. After about five minutes, the prisoners are escorted through the doors, and Walker sits down, his hands cuffed. He smiles at me, looking well, which lightens my heart.
“Walker,” I say warmly, “I’m so glad you agreed to our visit.”
“I wanted to see how you were doing,” he replies, glancing at Ciara and Addison.
“This is Addison and Ciara,” I introduce, “they’re part of the club.”
Walker nods at them.
“How are you?” I ask.
“Better than I’ve been in a while. I get three meals a day, exercise, and a bed to sleep in without the weight of the world on my shoulders. I’d say that’s an improvement.”
Poor Walker. Was his life really that difficult?
“I’m glad to hear it. We’re hoping you’ll be out soon.”
He shrugs. “I’m sure it’ll be sorted out. Tell me, Serenity, why are you here? I know it’s not just to check on me.”
A wry smile crosses his face.
I press my lips together. “Idowant to see you.”
He chuckles. “I know. Now tell me what’s happening.”
I laugh, I guess I’m just that obvious. “There’s a woman who has a problem with me and is stalking my house. We think she might have been important to Hound, but I can’t recall anyone. Do you know if he had a lady?”
Walker snorts. “I know exactly who it is. Her name is Gabby. She’s been with him for a long time. Met him in here, and when she got out, she stayed loyal. They had a weird, twisted romance. It would be her.”
“Is she dangerous?” Addison asks, crossing her arms.