Page 73 of Jackson

She scoffs, but her smile is warm. "Yeah, yeah."

She gently takes Ava from Serenity's arms. Serenity, high on painkillers, only makes a soft sound before falling back to sleep.I kiss my baby girl on the cheek and give Addison a grateful smile. I don't know where I'd be without her; she's my rock.

My phone rings, and I see it's Ben, the police officer who once helped me out. He owed me after I got him out of some trouble years ago, and I knew he'd come in handy. Stepping out of the room, I bring the phone to my ear. "Ben."

"How's Serenity?"

"She's sleeping, about to go into surgery. What can I do for you, brother?"

"I wanted to let you know that Xander, the guard from the prison, put in a statement saying that Hound tried to kill him and escaped with Serenity. I figured you knew, but Serenity’s statement and Walker claiming he killed the two men to protect her means he may get out on self-defense. I'm working on it."

That would be incredible.

He saved my woman, and I'll do anything to ensure he comes out of it unscathed.

"That would be the best outcome," I say, my voice low. "Any idea how long it might take?"

"He may be in there for a few months, depending on whether there's a trial, but I doubt it will be long. There's enough evidence against Hound and Gerard showing they were criminals, and he acted to protect himself and Serenity."

"Let me know if I can do anything for him. I'll make a statement if needed."

"I think we've got it covered. I just wanted to let you know."

"Appreciate it, Ben."

I hang up as nurses enter the room. One, a young blonde, flushes when she sees me standing there. I wink, and she giggles, catching the older nurse's scowl. I can't help but grin.

"We're here to take Serenity to pre-op."

The older nurse scowls at me, undoubtedly full of opinions, but I don't care. I offer a grin and walk over to Serenity, gentlybrushing hair from her face. "Hey," I murmur, pressing my lips to her forehead. "Time to wake up, darlin’."

The young nurse murmurs a low, "Ohh."

I grin again.

Serenity's eyes flutter open, though she's still groggy.

"You've got to go into surgery now, but I'll be right here when you get out."

She blinks a few times, then her hand grips mine. "I don't want you to leave me."

My heart breaks.

I don't want to leave her, either.

I'd do anything to be right by her side until she's safely back home with me, but I can't.

"I won't leave. I'll be right here. Got to get your toe fixed, baby."

A tear runs down her cheek, and I swipe it away with my thumb, kissing her softly.

The nurse makes a noise.

"Love you, pixie, yeah?"

She nods, trying to hold back tears. "Yeah."

"See you soon."