We will.
“Mark my words, Serenity. When this is over, you'll regret the day you ever dared to take my club away from me.”
This fucker actually thinks Hogan’s club was his. Hogan didn’t care about anyone, and if it came to it, he would have thrown Hound in front of a gun to save his own life. Hell, his own daughter meant nothing to him and here I am, listening to a man who seems to think he had some kind of family.
He never had a family.
He never will.
I snort. “It was never your club. You were just Hogan’s whipping boy. He didn’t care if you lived or died, he cared that everyone was doing what he wanted. If it came down to it, he would have watched you die and stepped over your corpse to carry on his way.”
Fury blazes in his eyes. He storms over, grabbing my hair and slamming me against the wall. I scream out in pain, struggling to steady myself, even as I long to collapse. The chilling steel of theknife presses against my throat, his eyes burning with unbridled rage.
He’s close to breaking.
Deep down, he’s terrified because Jackson isn’t bending to his will, leaving him with no control.
But he doesn’t realize one crucial truth—he will lose.
“Go ahead,” I growl. “Kill me. You’ll never get what you want. If you end my life, he’ll hunt you down, strip everything from you, and make you suffer until you’re begging for death.”
He snarls, pressing the knife in just enough to make the skin sear.
“I’ll kill you,” he vows, his voice trembling with rage. “And when I do, I'll savor every second.”
The door bursts open, forcing Hound to release his hold. He whirls around to see Walker stepping inside, wearing a mask of indifference. He plays his part well in front of his father, even fooling me for a minute. He stares through me, as if I’m invisible.
“What do you want me to do with this blubbering idiot?” Walker asks.
Reluctantly, Hound steps away, allowing me a silent sigh of relief.
“Lock him in here with her. Let them reacquaint.”
Hound throws a nasty smile my way before striding out, Walker trailing behind without a backward glance. Moments later, Gerard is hurled into the room. I grit my teeth, figuring it would be him, but praying it wasn’t.
This man is the reason I’m in this nightmare.
I thought Hound might make a deal with Gerard, not keep him captive, but here he is.
Gerard must still be rejecting whatever twisted offer Hound is presenting.
“Sit in here with her for a while, it might change your mind and you might reconsider our offer,” Walker mutters, shooting a fleeting look my way before locking the door.
Now I’m stuck with a deranged killer.
What could possibly go wrong?
THE AIR IS RIPPED FROMmy lungs as I face Gerard, my arms thrashing, body convulsing, desperately trying to escape his clutches. I knew he didn’t want to be trapped here with me, but I didn’t anticipate the bastard would actually try to kill me. Sure, I might deserve it, considering the string of vicious slurs I hurled at him while he glared from across the room, but seriously, he had me locked up.
He’s utter filth.
Now, though, he’s got me pinned against the wall, his grip unrelenting, eyes blazing with a rage that chills me to the core. I’ve seen what this man can do, yet I never thought he’d choose to try and end my life. Not here. Not now. If I’m going down at his hands, I’ll damn well come back to haunt someone.
Grinding my teeth, I muster what’s left of my energy, driving my knee hard into the soft spot between his legs. His roar echoes as he releases me, stumbling back, eyes bulging and hands flying to protect his jewels. Pathetic scumbag. If I could cut them off, I would. Just to see the pain in his face as I took away what he thinks makes him a man.
I lean down, snatch up the rusty pipe in my grip, and wave it at him.