We all get into Spike’s truck, and he pulls out his phone as soon as his foot hits the gas, calling Jackson. Thankfully, he answers. Spike tells him exactly what’s happening, and that we are coming back to the club. The conversation goes back and forth for a few minutes and seems to get heated before Spike hangs up.
“Can’t go to the club, police have eyes on it. We are going to your house, the cops have already searched and as far as we can tell, they aren’t watching it. We can get through the back door, hopefully keep you hidden until we can work this out.”
I nod, my stomach twisting.
I wonder what Hound is doing right now. Is he still stuck out there, bleeding from where I stabbed him, or is he already on his way back in, ready to bring hell down upon us for what I did. Either way, it’s dangerous.
“I want Ava with me,” I tell Spike. “Hound knows where she is, I can’t risk it.”
“We’ll work somethin’ out, for now, let’s just get back into that house without being seen.”
The drive feels like it takes forever, and when we finally arrive back in town, Spike takes all the back roads to ensure we don’t get seen. He parks the truck a few blocks away from my house and then we get out on foot, weaving through the streets, until we reach the back fence. This house backs onto woodland, which is probably what will save us from being caught.
We climb the fence and rush through the yard, going through the backdoor where we are faced with Jackson, Muff, Janine, and Ava.
I don’t stop to ask questions, no, I run toward my daughter, taking her from Janine who happily hands her to me. I bring her face to mine, kissing her, breathing her in. She has gotten so big, and it breaks my heart that I have missed out on some of her big milestones. She can walk now, and even though Janine recorded it, I am absolutely devastated to have missed it.
I won’t leave her again.
“Tell me everythin’ that happened,” Jackson orders, and I forcefully pull myself away from Ava and look at him.
Our eyes meet, and my heart sinks, because I hate that we are fighting. I just want this to be over so we can go back to normal. I want him to fix this. He can’t do that if he isn’t speaking to me.
“Hound put a tracking device on the truck when we were in town for the rally,” I explain. “He followed us out there. He was going to take me with him, to use me against you to claim your territory. I stabbed him before he got the chance, but I don’t know what he has up his sleeve, he could have anything planned.”
“What the fuck does he want our territory for?” Cade grunts. “He could start another chapter anywhere else.”
“Because we make good money,” Jackson mutters, “and because he wants to take something from me, from us, and he’s going to do whatever he can to make that happen.”
“How the fuck are we meant to stop this?” Muff growls.
“We need to frame him, get him put back in prison,” Jackson exhales, his stress written all over his face. “We need to use Gerard and Serenity and somehow get them both fuckin’ locked up.”
“What if we make it look like he was helping Gerard?” Addison asks, pursing her lips. “Maybe we could even get them to work together, thinking they’ll get us to stop.”
“That could work.” Ciara nods her head. “If we can get Gerard working with Hound, thinking they’ll bring us down and get away with everything, we could set them both up to get locked away.”
“What could we use?” Spike thinks out loud. “It has to be something they both want.”
“Me,” I say, and everyone looks to me.
“No fuckin’ way,” Jackson growls.
“You’re not even letting me tell you my plan,” I snap.
“Because thus far, your plans have fuckin’ gotten us into trouble.”
“Dad,” Addison barks. “Can you stop arguing and let her speak?”
Jackson gives her a look, but he doesn’t continue arguing.
“Hound wants me to get revenge on Jackson, so he’ll come for me if he thinks he can. Gerard just needs a reason to want me, too, and that would be enough for them to work together. We let them get hold of me, and then we have the police come in and arrest them both.”
“We would need proof, how the fuck are we goin’ to get that?” Cade questions.
“I need to speak to Gerard,” I say. “I need to confront him, tell him to confess so I can clear my name. I can act all innocent and broken. All we need is him to admit he did it, then we have what we need. If Hound is watching my every move, he will see me go to Gerard and, hopefully, he will confront him, too.”
“I don’t think it’s enough,” Jackson grinds out. “He’s too smart. We need somethin’ to use against him, some kind of blackmail to get him scared. Then, and only then, will he consider Hound’s offer when he comes forward.”