Turning again, I narrow my eyes, my heart racing.
What kind of large animals would be out here? I didn’t even think of that.
Biting my lip, my eyes scan the trees, but I don’t hear anything.
Maybe it’s my imagination in overdrive.
I keep walking, but the sounds continue to happen. Maybe it’s best that I turn and go back, but that means walking right toward whatever is following me. Are there mountain lions out here? Bears? Oh gosh, what if it’s a bear? My mind frantically comes up with a plan. Do I jump in the water? Climb a tree? Bears can climb, right?
Damnit, what was I thinking coming out here alone.
I jog toward the stream and finally see it ahead. It isn’t big, just a small, round lake with a waterfall. It’s beautiful, but I don’t have time to admire that, because my heart is racing, and my palms are sweating as I try to figure out a way to protect myself if some large animal decides to launch out of the bushes in my direction.
Just as I am making the choice whether to jump or climb, a chuckle behind me has me freezing. I wish it was a chuckle from Spike, or Jackson, teasing me for acting like I’m scared, but it’s a chuckle I’m familiar with. There is no way. No way he could have found me out here. Turning slowly, I come face to face with Hound.
His face is black and blue like he has been in more than one fight. Hound no doubt has a list of enemies as long as his arm, especially considering he was in prison so long, but seeing himlike that makes him look even scarier than he usually does. My heart jumps in my chest as I shake my head, wondering how the hell he found us out here.
“You look shocked.” He grins, crossing his arms, allowing his jacket to move enough that I can see he is packing at least two guns. “Wondering how I found you?”
“What the fuck do you want?”
I’m trying to sound strong, brave, scary, but really, I sound like a pathetic mouse fronting up to a tiger. He knows I’m afraid of him, and he plays on it.
His grin widens. “You caused quite a scene in town yesterday. Not the smartest thing you’ve done. But, who am I to complain when it allowed me to follow you back out here?”
How? There is no way. Jackson is so careful; he ensures that nobody is ever behind us.
“It’s not possible,” I say, shaking my head.
“I put a tracker on Jackson’s truck, it’s possible. He thinks he’s slick, hiding you out here, but really, he’s just asking for people to come hunt you down. That’s exactly what I did.”
“What do you want?” I say, crossing my arms and rubbing them, trying to stop my skin from prickling.
“You know what I want, Serenity, and I’m going to use you to get it.”
“Why?” I whisper.
“Because he caused the death of my old lady years ago. He shot the wrong person and took her from me, then the two of you proceeded to take out my entire club. So, you see, this revenge is a long time coming.”
Jackson killed his old lady?
Jackson would never kill a woman intentionally, at least not without good reason. My memory flashes back to the moment he found out who I was and that I had betrayed his club. He held that gun up at me, and, for a moment, I was so sure he wasgoing to pull the trigger. I have never been so afraid in all my life, and seeing the cold emptiness in his gaze was enough to forever damage a piece of my heart.
But he didn’t kill me.
He chose not to.
“What are you going to do?” I dare to ask.
A cold smile spreads across his face. “I’m going to use you to get Jackson to give me everything I want.”
“And what exactly do you want?”
My heart is racing, but I’m trying to stay calm.
“I want his territory. All of it. He is going to take his club and leave this area. If he doesn’t, I’m going to fucking burn everything he loves to the ground.”
I stare at him, my eyes wide, my lips parting. He’s going to try and take the club’s territory. Why? For what purpose?