Page 13 of Jackson

I glance at the guard, and then lean in closer so she can hear my whisper. “He owes money to some bad people, an old gambling debt. We’re payin’ it out if he helps you out of this place.”

She stares at me, almost in shock. “How the hell am I supposed to get out?”

“We’re creating a diversion, a fake one, but it’ll work. We’re goin’ to cause an uproar outside the prison in two days. It will have all the guards rushing to stop it, and while they do, Xander is going to get you out using the maintenance tunnels. This prison has some old ones, but they are still used.”

“The cops will come looking for me, it’ll cause even more trouble,” she whispers, concern washing over her expression. “I could end up in here for life ...”

“We have a plan for that, too. We’re goin’ to swap cars multiple times, and then take you to a secure and safe location until we can find Gerard and get your name cleared.”

“There is still the small fact that I had a prison break ...”

“Got people on my side, you don’t need to worry about that. We get the evidence we need, you’ll be cleared.”

She looks nervous. “What about Xander? He’s actually a good guy, I don’t want him to lose his job.”

“Nobody will ever know he had anythin’ to do with it. He knows where the cameras are, and he’s goin’ to make sure they’re down when everythin’ unfolds. I promise you this will work.”

Nervously, she shifts to the side. “If it doesn’t, I’m never getting out of here.”

I clench my jaw, trying not to reach for her when it’s all I want to do. “I promise you, Serenity, it’ll work.”

She swallows, but nods.

“How are you going to find Gerard when you know they will have him in protection?”

I grin. That fucker might think he’s smarter than us, but he’s not. No fucking way. I have connections on the inside, too. Officers willing to help me for a price. Just like Xander, if I offer them protection or money, they’ll do just about anything, including giving me information on where that cunt is.

I’ll find him, and he’ll wish I didn’t.

“Leave Gerard to me, for now, you just do everything Xander tells you.”

“What if it goes wrong?”

I lean in a little closer. “Trust me, yeah?”

She exhales, and nods.

“I’m gettin’ you out, and when I do, I’ll never fuckin’ leave you again.”

She swallows, fighting back tears. “I love you.”

“Love you too, baby.”

I’ll get her out.

I have to.

5 – Serenity

Ihaven’t seen Hound’s little woman friend for a few days, though I have been actively avoiding her. I have Xander to thank for that, he makes sure we are separated so she can’t pass on any information to Hound. How the hell she does that, I don’t know. The problem is, I have a name for myself now, and, because of that, plenty of women in here want my blood on their hands.

If I’m not being tormented or insulted, they are trying to attack me in the shower, the laundry, and anywhere else they can get their hands on me. I have been punched here more times than I ever have in my life, and that’s saying something considering I grew up as Hogan’s daughter.

Still, I’m alive, and this time tomorrow, hopefully I’ll be out of here.

It’s shower time, on what I pray will be my last night, and I’m thankful to see that Mama is in this group so hopefully that will mean no trouble for me. A female guard takes us into the large shower block, and we all begin our normal evening ritual. We don’t get long, but it is the best part of my day.

The water is always hot, and, for a moment, I can pretend I’m anywhere else but here.