“Fifty k.”
That’s enough to get him on our side.
“Get word to him, threaten him if you have to, but get him workin’ for us. We need to move this plan forward or Hound is goin’ to kill her.”
“I’m on it.”
Cade leaves the office, and I stare over where Ava is sleeping in her portable cot, unbothered by the chaos that just unfolded. Nothing bothers her—she’s always calm, always relaxed, always letting the world go by without stress. She’s the complete opposite of me, and I love her more than I could put into words.
“What’s going on, old man?”
Turning at the sound of Addison’s voice, I can’t help but feel warmth in my chest. My baby girl, the first woman to ever truly change my life. I don’t know where I’d be without her. I might not have had her for her entire life, but I’m sure as shit making up for it now.
“Come and give your old man a hug,” I murmur.
She smiles, her eyes warming, and she rushes over and nestles into me, her cheek pressing to my chest. Closing my eyes, I take a moment to feel it, because fuck knows I need it.
“What’s going on?” she asks, pulling back.
“Serenity got stabbed.”
She reels back, and her eyes widen, her arms flying up and fear contorting her beautiful features. Probably shouldn’t have started with that.
“She’s okay,” I tell her, putting a hand up. “But we gotta get her out of there or that fucker is goin’ to kill her.”
“We can’t let her stay, Daddy,” she whispers, shaking her head. “Oh my gosh.”
Her eyes move to Ava, and I know what she’s thinking – we have to get her mama home safe to her.
“We’ve found a guard, we just need a plan.”
“Tell me what you need from me, I’ll do anything.”
I reach out, running a thumb down her cheek. “Need you to take care of your sister for me, no matter what goes down, promise me you won’t let her out of your sight.”
“I swear it.” She nods, her eyes softening. “Nobody is coming through me.”
I have no doubt about it.
My daughter can be as savage as they come when she wants to be. She gets that from me.
Ava stirs, and I walk over, reaching down and placing my hand on her round little cheek. She immediately falls back into her deep slumber. I stroke my fingers over her soft hair, thick like her mama’s. I have to get Serenity out, because this little girl needs her.
But mostly, so do I.
I fuckingneedher.
“LOOK AT ME,” I ORDER, and Serenity’s eyes meet mine.
She has a bruised cheek—yet another fight.
Her hair is bunched on top of her head and there is something in her eyes that tells me she is about ready to give up. She looks like she wants to throw everything away, and I can’t let her do that.
I can’t let them beat her.
“Listen to me, baby,” I murmur. “We have a plan. Muff got onto your guard, and he’s goin’ to help us.”
Her eyes widen. “Xander?”