Page 73 of The Rogue

“Well, I certainly can’t drive. I’ve been drinking.”

Her chest moves up and down as I open the door for her. But she recovers quickly, leaning against the car. “You’re telling me you never drink and drive? I’ve seen you leave the Inn well after I’ve served you two to three beers.”

I try to think of another reason before I realize I don’t have to. I close the gap between us. “Tessa, get in the damn car.”

She glances back at it. “It’s too big for me.”

I lean in with a smirk. “Oh, I think you can take it.”

Her eyes heat, and I can almost feel her panties melting as she shifts with a hard swallow.

With a huff, she straightens and settles into the driver’s seat. “Alright. But I’m not paying for any damages.”

I close the door and hop around the other side.

The truck roars to life as she turns the key and sits back. Wrapping her hands around the steering wheel, she takes a breath, her breasts perking in a distracting way.

“Good.” I tease. “Think you can drive it?”

“Think you can be quiet over there? I’ve got this.” She narrows her eyes, checking the rear-view mirror. “Now, if I could just hit the pedal hard enough, I can cause optimal damage to the bed of this thing by hitting that tree back there at forty miles per hour.”

I buckle my seatbelt, calling her bluff. “Ready when you are.”

She backs out of the driveway carefully, barely breathing. Her knuckles harden around the wheel and I put my hand over hers, steering it left.

Tessa keeps her eyes on the road as she cruises through town. I quietly give her directions to Crest Lane, it’s the more expensive part of town where the boutique and fancy restaurants are. “Okay, so I’ve been a little nervous getting behind the wheel lately. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.” She finds a metered parking spot and pulls over.

“Tess, you need to let it go. It was a long day. It could have happened to anyone.”

She stares ahead. “I had your kid in my car.”

I pull her hands off the wheel, making her look at me. “He’s okay.”

She sniffles sharply and pulls her hand away, unbuckling her seatbelt. “I’d rather be in the passenger’s seat.”

“Fine.” Leaning over, I scoop her up, making her squeal and settle her onto my lap. “There, you’re in the passenger’s seat.”

She wiggles over me with that raspy laugh I’ve come to love. “I meantafteryou’re out of it.”

I shift my pants with a groan. “Baby, you’ve got to stop moving like that.”

She freezes and glances down. “Sorry. Not about that—that was entirely your fault. I mean about everything else.”

I grip her waist. “Tess. Don’t be so nervous.” I push her hair behind her ear. “You’re doing fine with him.”

Her eyes drop to my mouth. “I don’t think straddling my boss falls in the ‘doing fine’ category.” She swallows like she’s fighting to keep from closing the small gap between our lips.

I’m ready to close that gap. Fuck boundaries, fuck everything. “What category is it under, Tessa?”

She whimpers like she’s about to break too, and I wish she would. Fuck I wish she would crush my mouth with hers and rock these hips over me, slicing the tension building between us for the past week. “I think…it’s in the category of ‘not looking for a real-life love story’.”


I release a breath. Because she’s one hundred percent correct. “You’re right.” I push open the door and twist her until she’s seated comfortably on the leather seat while I slip out. “I’m sorry.” I’m still holding her hand when I lean into her, despite who might be watching nearby. “I’m taking you into these boutiques. You’re picking out several new outfits, new boots and anything else you might need for your stay here.”

She opens her mouth to protest.

“And if you argue with me, I’m making you drive home.”