I shrug coyly before he wraps me in a bear hug. “I didn’t mind the first one.”
He sighs, glancing at Jackson, who’s distracted picking at a basket of mini muffins. “I apologize for my son. If you broke his arm for dragging you in here to humiliate you, I wouldn’t have held it against you.”
I wink at him. “It was worth it.”
He scans me like an overprotective parent. “How are you? Everything okay? Do you need anything?”
“Aiden,” I start.
He holds up his hands. “Please, don’t. I feel bad enough.”
“Youfeel bad?”
He sighs. “I practically forced you out of town. You obviously needed help and...”
“And you offered it,” I remind him.
He nods. “You always have a room here if you need it.”
“Thank you.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Yes, jeez. You Reeves men really need to simmer down.”
“Reeves men?”
“Levi called me at ten this morning and wouldn’t back off until he heard me eat a spoonful of peanut butter.”
The corner of his mouth turns up. “That so?”
“I still can’t get the taste out of my mouth.” I move behind the bar like I still work here and grab a bottle of water. “So, why are we here? I was told to bring the kid over. Are we late?”
“Technically, you’re early since Noah and Charlie are running late.”
As if on cue, the charming new couple stride into the Inn mid-argument over whose fault it is they’re late. But it doesn’t last long since they quickly find something hilarious about it.
They truly are a strange, nerdy—yet adorable duo.
Out of the three brothers, Noah might just be the most charming. Tall, with deep blue eyes, sharp jaw, a head full of dark hair, and a muscular upper body that's always covered in a crisp button-down. The smile on his face looks foreign to me, but given he’s looking at the tiny blonde at his side, it suits him.
Charlie is bubbly, outgoing, and friendly—all things opposite Noah.
“Tessa.” Charlie beams.
I stiffen on contact when she wraps her arms around me. It’s not her who has me holding my breath.
It’s her boyfriend.
“I’m so happy to see you.” She squeezes me once more before pulling back. “You look phenomenal as usual.”
Noah’s glare is intense as he approaches, his tone empty. “Tessa. What brings you by? Can’t imagine there’s much left in this town for you to corrupt.”
Charlie elbows him, keeping her smile bright as he grunts behind her.
Jackson skips over. “Tessa’s my new nanny. She’s living with us.”
Charlie gasps happily while Noah chokes out a laugh. “Does my brother know this?”