But neither is telling her.
“Bad news is you’re spending another night in my den.”
She leans back in her chair, her brown eyes searching mine like she knows there’s something else.
But she drops it. “Can I bring my toothbrush in this time?”
Iavoid calling Frankuntil I figure out plan B. If the man has even the slightest clue that I’m on the streets, he’ll insist I go back into witness protection.
I will not live like a prisoner just because theremaybe a killer—or several—still looking for me.
They never give up, Tessa. They move on, but they always come back for the person who could ruin them. And you have that power.
“You get the job?” Bessie asks when I call her on my walk along the ranch.
“Cripe. He fill the position before you got there?”
“Nope. The job is still open. Just not to me.”
“You’re kidding. This guy really is an ass, isn’t he?”
I consider it. If she asked me this yesterday, it would have been a hard yes. “I’m not sure.”
“You still broke and homeless out there?”
“Don’t forget without a car. Yes.”
“Then he’s an ass. What’s his problem? You’d be terrific at—what’s the job again?”
“A nanny.”
The line is quiet and then Bessie sighs. “Maybe refresh the search again?”
“Goodbye, Bess.”
“Bye, hun. Call me tomorrow.”
I hang up and glance down the street. Levi went to work at the ranch after breakfast and I took myself on a tour.
It’s the first week of August and the weather is scorching. Not to mention impossible finding any shade as I walk along.
I spot a familiar home on the other side of the ranch and realize where I’ve seen it.
It’s Chase and Pepper’s cottage.
The hockey king and his queen are off for the summer so they must be staying in town.
I suppose it would be rude not to say hello. And it would be just like Pepper to be annoyed if she found out I was next door for two days and didn’t stop by.
Within a few feet, I’m standing in front of the cottage, beads of sweat trickling down my face and chest as I knock.
A blast of air conditioning hits me sweetly as Pepper swings the door open.
“Tessa!” Without hesitation or judgment, she throws her arms around me and pulls me inside. “Come in, come in. I am so happy to see you. Also, I win a bet I had going with my husband about you coming back.” She shakes my shoulders cheerfully like we’re old high school besties.