Page 133 of The Rogue

A shot is fired, and the air is knocked out of my lungs. Tessa screams and it’s a beautiful sound. One I needed to hear.

Eddie is on the floor, bleeding out. The squad breaks into action, and Sheriff is on his knees in front of the criminal. “There’s a pulse. Who fired?”

“I did,” Sharpe calls from outside the cracked window in the back of the shed.

Sheriff cocks a grin. “Nice shot, Rookie.”

Fueled with adrenaline, I charge toward her.

“Indie,” my woman cries as I free her from the ties around her wrists. They wrap around me, and I lift her into my arms.

“I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

She clings to me with all her strength, broken sobs into my neck. I pull her off knowing I’ll be holding her all the way home. “Are you hurt?”

Tess shakes her head. It wobbles slightly before she collapses into my arms.


“Shock and exhaustion. I’ll get you an escort to the nearest hospital,” Sheriff offers like he’s seen this before. FBI agents surround the area, inspecting every building on the premises.

“Thanks, Wyatt.” I cock my head at the men in black uniforms. “We through with them?”

He shrugs. “As far as I know.”


“Hey, beautiful.”

Levi’s voice is the first I hear when I wake in the bright, sterile room.

It’s so soothing, I may as well be waking up in heaven.

I’m hooked up to an IV. I wait for the sharp pain in my lower back. Dejavu from the last time I woke up in the hospital. But there's no pain. Nothing hurts. Except my head and my body from all the tension.

“Kenny,” I rasp.

Levi hands me a plastic cup with water. “He’s alright. He might be losing his job, but he’s alright.”

I shift uncomfortably and take a sip. “I’m so tired.”

“They’re hydrating you.” His gaze lingers on my stomach. “Both of you.”

I frown. “What?”

He smiles. “We’re having a baby, Tess.”

A breath puffs out of me. “Are…you sure?” My voice is barely above a whisper. Tears already welling in my eyes because I feel it—I’vebeenfeeling it.

He’s the picture of calm as he flashes me a grin. “I am now.”

My face pales, my hand moving to my stomach. “Is everything alright?”

“Baby is fine.” He glances back. “Which is what the doctor told me after they examined you.”

I drop my head back. Tears streaming down the side of my face. “I’ve been feeling so weird lately.”

Laughter fills his eyes. “I know. I had my suspicions.”