He stands up straight, adjusting his suit. “Judge Larry doesn’t hold hearings anywhere but a courtroom.” He points to an empty wooden table in front of the benches. “You sit there. Andrews and I sit here.”
I scan the space, unwarranted nerves hitting me because I already know how this dispute will end. “Right.”
The judge walks in, barely examining the stiff people in the room before landing on me. His bored expression falls to the papers in front of him as he takes a seat. He doesn’t even look up as he starts to speak.
Frank’s partner stands. “Your Honor.”
“Tell me again why this witness has been held in protective custody for so long without testifying. What progress has been made in the case?”
“Correction, Your Honor, Ms. Bennett has been given the freedom to live her life with certain limitations."
The judge blinks, waiting for the answer to his question.
Andrews continues. "The individual responsible for the murder Ms. Bennett witnessed is part of a larger criminal network. We've successfully seized one suspect from that day, but one remains at large. Given the danger to Ms. Bennett, it’s been deemed necessary to put her in protective custody.”
My stomach sinks. I don’t exactly have a good argument prepared. And I sure as hell don’t thinkyou don’t know how to do your jobis going to pan out.
“My notes say her testimony is vital to the case, but you haven’t been able to secure the final suspect?”
“Correct. And exposing her now would put her in jeopardy.”
The judge nods, clearly in agreement.
Great. I’ve lost him before I had a chance to speak.
I push off my seat. “This is unbelievable. Your Honor, it’s been three years and I still have no—”
He barely looks at me. “Take a seat, ma’am.”
“No!” I move to stand in front of the room. Call it cabin fever, delusion, or just the fact that people are here to listen, and I have something to say. “I’m tired of being a sitting duck. I feel like fish bait.”
“Tessa, sit down,” Frank grits a warning.
My face heats and adrenaline spikes. “This shit just can’t be legal. You can’t keep me trapped like this. I have rights.”
Two guards approach me, but the judge raises his hand, stopping them. “Ms. Bennett, I understand your frustration, but do calm down,you’ll have your—”
“No, you don’t!” I shout. The main door swings open, and I imagine they’ve called for backup. But I don’t let it stop me. “You havenoidea what it’s like to be treated like a criminal when all I did was witness something I wish I could forget!” The tension in the room rises, and the same two guards grab me from both sides.
“Let go of me,” I grit, jerking from their grip.
“Manhandling your only witness, gentlemen?” A new voice cuts into the room. A familiar voice.
All eyes snap to the back of the room. My heart sinks so deep it takes my breath away. Noah moves down the aisle, sharp suited, approaching the stand.
But my eyes lock withthe otherman that entered the room. Dark jeans, tan shirt, tight jaw and that familiar scowl. Levi tears his gaze from me and takes a seat in the back row.
I swallow hard, Noah’s voice muffled as I try to find my breath.
“Noah Reeves. Ms. Bennett’s attorney.”
I frown as Noah passes in front of me, facing Frank and his partner. “This is how you treat a woman who risked everything to give you the testimony you so desperately need?”
The room falls silent as Noah turns to the guards, his voice low. “Release her, now.”
My arms are freed, and I stumble slightly, feeling lightheaded and mentally drained. Noah helps me to my seat then turns to the judge.