I settle on the couch next to Jackson, fighting playfully for the blanket he’s under. He responds by snuggling next to me and offering the other end of it. “Boy, you give in easily. Gotta fight for what’s yours, man.”
He shrugs. “I don’t mind sharing with you.”
“Ahh, you were raised with manners.” I quirk my lip. “Well, I wasn’t.” I launch for the remote in his other hand and he giggles, holding it for dear life.
“No. Mine.”
I tickle his side, and he drops it straight into my hand. “Okay, okay. But no old shows like Daddy watches.”
I turn at the mention of his father, finding Levi holding a coffee mug and staring at us. I’m trying to find that familiar scowl when I do something that annoys him.
But he’s unreadable. Then he turns to his son, pointing his finger. “Knight Rider is not old.”
My jaw drops. “First of all, it’sancient. Second, you haveKnight Rider?” I point the remote to the television eagerly. “Where? Bessie watches it, and I’ve become obsessed.”
Levi takes the remote from me, his fingers somehow skillfully avoiding mine when he swipes it. His jaw is tight. The scowl slowly reappears as he flips through the streaming shows until he finds the familiar series.
His eyes sweep past us. “We’re going to head out. Text if you need me.” He instructs no one in particular, but I’m assuming he means me.
I frown, shifting.
Does he regret telling me about Jackson’s mom? Maybe I got too comfortable? Should I be working, working? Like on my feet?
He did say cleaning wasn’t part of the job, although it does help keep me distracted when no one’s around.
“See any lightning?” Harry asks as Levi moves to a nearby storage closet for a pair of rubber boots.
“Not yet.”
“Daddy.” Jackson runs to his dad, throwing his arms around him.
“Sorry buddy, I can’t take you out there with me today. You might get a little dirty, and we need to move fast.”
“Oh no, I was just going to hug you now because you’re going to be filthy later. I’m good.” He races back like he’s been out in the cold too long and snuggles under the covers.
“Right. Later.” He and Harry walk out the door.
Despite not being totally comfortable with the affection or proximity, I could never turn the kid away as he leaps himself back to my side.
“You just let me know when you’re settled, Wiggles.”
He smiles and shifts on the side of my ribcage.
I laugh. “Jesus, kid.”
I catch a glimpse of Levi with one foot inside the tractor just outside. Hard, untrusting eyes linger on us before he hops in and drives off.
I sigh.
I’ll never make that man happy.
I’m running out ofthings to do with this kid.
It rained all day yesterday, so staying in made sense.
But I can’t exactly have a repeat of the same day. The kid needs friends, a park, the frozen yogurt shop. Or even the community pool. Hell, I could sure go for a dip, myself.