Starting with my vow to protect her.
“I want to pay you,” I rasp. “For the time Tessa stayed at the Inn. I want to thank you and pay you for keeping her safe. Even if you didn’t know it.”
“Neither are necessary.”
“It is to me,” I snap, then start pacing again. “I’ve— I’ve been the man she dreads facing. The one who forces her to put up her defenses. Ever since I met her…”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do. She knocked on my door to interview with a pros and cons list already drafted for me.”
He chuckles. “Oh, I have to see this.”
I sigh, running a hand down my face. A laugh escaping. “God, I don’t know how she does it.”
“Ask her. When she wakes up, just talk. Tell her you see her strength. How lucky you and Jackson are to have her.”
I nod.
“What did Noah say? What’s our next step?” he asks.
“Frank will be in touch about a guard they’ll relocate here. But we’ll need our own for him to alternate with. Sheriff Bradshaw has a private meeting with his team tomorrow. A selected group he trusts to assign to this.” I chuckle bitterly. “He said it’s the most excitement he’s had in over a decade.”
“Jackson starts school Monday. He’s going to wonder why Tess isn’t taking him. And why she isn't leaving the house.”
“We’ll all take turns with Jackson. He’ll barely notice. We’ll make it work.”
Dad nods. “You’re not alone. And thanks to you, neither is she.”
I wake up in Levi’s bedroom. On his bed.
Water is running in the master bath and I sit up on alert. I’ve been in and out of sleep. First, in the living room, where I was hearing muffled voices.
Then when I was lifted off the couch and brought upstairs.
I’m cold and a little weak.
The water shuts off.
“Hey.” Levi steps out of the bath and comes to me, sweeping strands of curls from my face. His voice is gentle. Not like before.
I blink up at him. “Hi.” I look around the room. “Are we alone?”
He smirks. “Is that okay?”
“I’ve been hearing voices all night.”
He nods and strokes my head. “It’s just us now. Dad and Noah left.”
I groan. “God, they must think I’m so weak. I can’t even fight my own battles.”
Anger flashes in Levi’s eyes but it fades quickly as he leans in and kisses my forehead. “I don’t know if you heard this, but before my dad left, he said,'I spent a lot of years in the ring. I thought I knew real strength. Butafter seeing hers, nothing could ever compare to the kind of fight she’s had in her all along'.”
My eyes sting. I clear my throat, turning away from the compliment I don’t deserve.
“You’re still shivering." His hand brushes my arm briefly before he stands and moves to the door. "I’ve started a warm bath for you. Get in while I heat up some soup.”
I nod, grateful for the breathing room when he’s gone.