Page 104 of The Rogue

I jump away from Levi, but he barely moves, only pulls his gaze off me to look at his kid.

“What’s a soft opening?” he asks.

I release a breath. Partly for the innocent question, partly for the save.

Levi turns to his kid. “It’s like a grand opening but not exactly to the public. It's by invitation only.”

“So it’s special?”

“Yes,” we both say.

“What will we do there?”

I know what’s on my agenda.

Act normal.



And pray it’s not the last time I see all these people.

“Charlie and her new staff are going to show us around.”

“Will there be food?”

Feeling like I might come out of my skin and needing to get away from the cowboy still expecting an answer, I swivel, hands on my hips. “Do you need help getting dressed, mister?”

Jackson juts his chin. “I just need to know how fancy this thing is, so I know how to dress.”

Levi shakes his head, turning back to his tie.

I turn the kids shoulders. “Let’s go see what we can find.”

“Will I be the only kid there?” he continues as I drag him down the hall to his room.

Thank God for this kid and the crowd expected this evening. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold Levi back from asking questions before I talk to Frank.

Which means…I need to do ittonight.

An hour later, we step into Charlie’s Web twenty minutes late. I spot Charlie right away. She looks like a fairy in her puffy lavender dress that lands just above her knees, with matching purple boots and cowgirl hat.

“Knew I should have worn my hat,” Levi bitches in a low mumble.

I elbow him. “Tonight’s not aboutyou.”

“You made it. Late,” Noah snips, crossing to us from the welcome desk.

“Would’ve been here sooner if I found parking. You’d think an investor of the establishment would have a reserved spot,” Levi grumbles again.

Oh dear. He’s in a mood.

But I know my cowboy. He’s dealing with it on his own, instead of putting the pressure on me for leaving his question unanswered.

And my heart swells for it.

“Tessa, good to see you.” Noah’s eyes dip to Levi’s arm around my waist. He coughs. “Right this way.”