Page 6 of A Date With Demons

A thought occurs to me then. I am a pretty powerful witch, after all. And some witches have gotten up to all sorts of out-of-character shenanigans on Halloween. Acting out is a rite of passage, like sowing wild oats.

If I want to lose my virginity, then maybe I just have to stop waiting for romance and make it happen.

Hmm. It’s too late to start a love potion, or even a lust potion.

But maybe I could strike a deal…

I almost have to physically swat away the lovey-dovey energy around me so I can concentrate on peeking at my mom, a mile away on Colony Hill. I need to see if the coast is clear. I don’t want any more sympathy, and I especially don’t want anyone picking up on what I’m thinking about doing next.

In my mind’s eye, the other elder witches are running around, preparing for Samhain. When I zero in on my mom, though, I find her and my dad passionately making out in the garden again. Gross.

See? Annoying.

But hopefully, that will keep her distracted enough to allow me to sneak up to my attic. I need to finish this costume and then get busy finding myself a willing partner. Or, I suppose, a paid partner.

The choice is simple. Spend Halloween night out in nature, honoring the ancestors with our mothers and the other elder witches? Or join the slutty kittens for a night of Jell-O shots, dancing, and making out in a haunted house? If I want sex for the first time to feel good, a paid succubus can make that happen, right?

Ever since I was old enough to procure a convincing fake ID, I always chose slutty kitten costumes and Jell-O shots with my sister Georgia and my friend Esther.

Since my older sister Georgia married her longtime girlfriend Dawn and moved to Salem, Esther and I are among the oldest of the younger generation of witches still in Birchdale. Esther won’tbe here much longer, so when I think about it, this is my last chance for a real Halloween rager.

Why not take an inter-dimensional demon by the horns?

I arrive back at my parents’ house on Colony Hill to find all the elder witches rushing around putting up last-minute decorations in preparation for trick-or-treaters.

I tromp up to my attic and breathe a sigh of relief at the silence and the removal of my bra and jeans. I have the room protected with a silence spell. I can’t hear other people’s thoughts outside this room, and no one can listen to anything I do in here.

Comfortable in my favorite satin robe and underwear, I’m in the zone as I work, bent over the sewing machine.

I’m adding the golden cord trim to the overdress just as Mom softly knocks on my door. The hinges creak as she peeks inside, looking happy and flushed. Oh, goddess.

“Hi, honey. What time is the big Halloween party?”

I smile through the pins that I hold between my lips. This means she wants to know how long I plan to stick around after the trick-or-treaters are gone. She wants to be prepared so I don’t stumble on her and my dad naked, outside, doing what the elder witches love to do on this night.

“Starts at 9,” I say, pulling the needle from between my lips and pausing the machine. “But I’m not sure if I’m going.”

She blinks. “But you’ve been planning your costume for a while now. I thought…”

“I don’t think he’s coming,” I say, hedging my bets and hoping to throw her off the scent of what’s rolling around in my head.

“I see,” Mom says. “Well, you’re welcome to stay for the Samhain ceremonies.”

Under her arm she carries a basket of blessed apples, ready for the altar.

My stomach growls at the sight of them.

Apples. Didn’t I read something recently in Magda’s grimoire about apples…

Mom distracts me from this thought with, “Your dad and I would love to have you stay. But you should really get out and meet people.”

Translate that to: “We feel sorry for you so we won’t push you away but please go.”

I look down at my Princess Lily dress which I painstakingly sewed.

“I might go,” I say, just to make my mom feel better. She exhales contentedly, then tosses me an apple.

“Here. For good luck,” she says.