“There!” I stared down at the now brown and pink spotted puppy on the page. His bright smile stared up at me.
“All done, Buddy?” Buddy had grown on me since David began using it. It was a nice break from rockstar Chase.
“Yup. He’s cute.”
“Yes, he is. I’d ask if you want to put him on the fridge, but I’ll leave that up to you.”
“It’s okay, I’ll keep him in the book with all his friends.” I put the crayons back in the box and cleaned everything up. “Oh, you put the food away. Sorry I didn’t help.”
“No worries, you were busy creating. How do you feel?”
How did I feel? “Honestly, relaxed. Less stressed. Thank you for the new stuff.”
“You are very welcome.” David hugged me. He always knew what I needed and when. “Now, I have a suggestion. You can take it or leave it, but I think you should at least check it out.”
“Oh ya, what’s that?” David was full of great ideas tonight, so I was all ears.
“I took the liberty of setting you up with a free pass at Cordes tomorrow night. It’ll be waiting for you at the check-in desk. Up to you if you accept it but I think you might like what you find there.”
Was I ready for that?
Probably wouldn’t hurt to at least look, right?
Chapter Two
“David, to what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?” I hadn’t heard from my best friend Richard’s son, David, since he’dbecome domesticated with his partner, Jordan. Sure, we’d run into each other from time to time at Cordes, but they were there to engage in some of the rooms while I wandered aimlessly in search of…
Who knew anymore, but it was high time to throw in the towel and scurry off to lick this old dog’s wounds. It’d been years since I’d engaged with any littles beyond a play session or two and I’d long since grown tired of going home alone and waking up in an empty bed.
“I’m going to do something I’m normally vehemently against.”
Not a strong opening line but I’d bite. “Is this some sort of intervention? Should I be worried?”
David laughed. “Maybe. Do you remember Chase?”
“Yes, the singer of Embrace and the young man who hung around your house all the time when you guys were growing up. Quiet, polite kid from what I remembered.” I recalled how sad he was when his mother passed away unexpectedly. Horrible tragedy.
“No longer a kid, my friend, and he’s headed your way.”
“Headed my way? What’s he coming to my house for?” What was this man up to?
“No, he’s headed to Cordes. Consider it a gift, a way to pay you back for all you did for me.”
“Not sure I follow or that I did all that much for you, but I take it things are going well with Jordan?” I was elated it worked out for them. The way they finally came to realize they were in love wasn’t under the best of circumstances but at least that crazy ex of Jordan’s had been dealt with once and for all.
“They are. He likes to push my buttons but that’s half the fun, if you know what I mean.”
I laughed. “Yes, that I do, but back to Chase. I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“Well, be at Cordes in an hour and if you see a lost little, approach with caution and send me a text of thanks later.”
“Um, okay?”
“Trust me.”
That much I did. “I’ll be honest, I’m considering canceling my membership and giving up the lifestyle, so I hadn’t planned to return to the club.” One could only handle so many heartbreaks and bad matches.