If I didn’t know that, how could I make sure it never happened again?
No. The risk was too great. I’d take advantage of Nick’s need for time and forget romance.
Picking up my phone, I texted Nick.Give Felicia a kiss from Uncle Toby and tell her to get well right away so she can come to visit at the restaurant. And, Nick, just take the time you need. Your job is here waiting.
After I got his grateful message in return, it was time to cancel.
No. Mate.
He’s not our mate. Or if he is, the timing is all off.
There was no point in arguing with the bear. Eventually he’d see the rightness in what we were doing, or at least he’d get tired of bugging me.
Stuffing him down deeper, I sent a note to Leon, canceling, and then put my phone in sleep mode and went to bed.
Chapter Six
I fastened the top button on my new black button-down shirt and rolled up the sleeves in the mirror. My tattoos showed but, from what I’d seen on my videos, that was a good thing. Some called me a silver fox, but none of the compliments meant a damned thing unless they were from Tobias.
Tonight, I wanted to look good for him.
I grabbed my wallet and keys and threw a scarf around my neck, not for me but to share with him, and opened the door.
My phone vibrated in my pocket and I reached for it with anticipation. Perhaps it was Tobias telling me he was excited for our date.
My mood tanked.
Tobias canceled the date. No reasons. No excuses. No rain check or promise for another day.
Just canceled, like an order of food or a TV show.
My chest constricted with disappointment. I had been more excited for this date than I had been for anything in a long time, and now it was over before it began.
I wasn’t an alpha to give up that easily though. I shut the door behind me and walked down the sidewalk and toward the center of town. I knew where the new restaurant was and made a beeline, reassuring myself that maybe Tobias was simply busy that night or some of his staff hadn’t shown up.
The other reasons were shushed, along with the howls from my jackal. He’d only howled in the past few days. Had never heard him make the sound before Tobias stumbled into our life.
A howling jackal was one who was in mating season.
My feet moved fast toward the restaurant but when I turned the corner, I saw Tobias’ place dark and empty. A closed sign onthe door.
I walked up to the door and sniffed deeply. Tobias hadn’t been there that day or if he had, it hadn’t been through this door.
Fuck me.
I knew it was too good to be true.
I turned around and gave fake smiles to a couple passing through. The alpha had his hand on his mate’s pregnant belly in pride.
That would never be me. The fact pushed down on me, that damned anvil back in my life again.
Stepping away from the building, I tugged on that gratuitous scarf around my neck with a bit too much force.