“Right this way.” He led us to a room down the hall. Healer offices felt more like home than the sterile, antiseptic-smelling hospitals humans used. I’d been in a few but never wanted to go back.

“What brings you in today?” Quinn asked, sitting in a chair opposite us.

Tobias looked at me and then back to the healer. “I’m pregnant. I took a test.”

Quinn smiled. “Congratulations, you two. Is something going on that concerns you?”

“I’m really tired all the time but at night, I have trouble sleeping. Some foods make me sick, just by the smell of them but that’s normal, right?”

Quinn nodded. “Most omegas get food aversions but I’m concerned about the lack of sleep. Does he toss and turn?” The healer asked me the question. He asked me because he assumed we slept next to each other, as we should.

“Not that I know of. But I’m a heavy sleeper.”

Quinn wrote down some things before putting the clipboard away. “As far as sleep is concerned, let’s stay away from the electronic devices after sundown. Try a warm bath with some lavender Epsom salts. Maybe a cup of lemon balm tea before bed? Chamomile isn’t recommended for pregnancy so stay away from that. Those things should help you. Alpha, maybe give him a foot massage at night, things to help him rest and relax.”

I nodded. “Of course.”

Tobias looked at me. He and I both knew some of these things would be possible, but most I was not there for. I would try my damnedest to help him as much as I could before he asked me to go home.

The healer said it was too early to listen to the heartbeat, and we could come back at another time. He gave us advice on caffeine intake. Rest. Light exercise. He advised Tobias to rest as much as possible since he worked a hectic job. He joked about me doing the housework and laundry. Of course, I would try, but since I didn’t live with my omega, some would be tough.

Still, I promised myself I would do everything I could.

We received a package as we left the office. Prenatal vitamins. Some books. Websites containing good information instead of having us search online and find bogus advice.

Quinn was a good healer, and I was glad my Tobias wasunder his care. Before we left the building, Tobias stopped to use the restroom, and while I was waiting outside the door, Quinn came out of his office. I took the opportunity to ask a question that had been in the back of my mind for some time.

“Quinn do you have just a second?”

“Yes, of course.” He paused next to me.

“I have a kind of odd question. When Tobias got burned, why didn’t you tell him to shift and heal?”

He blinked at me. “He said he didn’t have anywhere to shift, and he seemed pretty stubborn on the topic, so I suggested rest.”

Stubborn. Sounded like my omega. “Thanks for clearing that up.”

“I’m sorry,” Tobias whispered as we got back into the truck. I knew what he was apologizing for, but I also knew he wasn’t budging on his stance of me not living with him and him not living with me.

“Don’t be,” I whispered and put my hand on his cheek. “We’ll figure it out. I’ll help you as best I can.”

“Leon,” he said, “did you want to go get some lunch? Maybe I could cook you something?”

Sweet mate was trying to apologize in a way other than words, but I was frustrated. Something could happen to Tobias, and I wouldn’t be there to help him. He would even sleep better with his alpha by his side, holding him, but he refused to let me. There was nothing I could do to convince him of that though.

“No, it’s okay. I’m sure you have work to do, and I don’t want to add to it.”

His eyebrows bunched. “Making a meal for you isn’t work, Leon.”

I nodded. “I know. I’m just…I’m not hungry anymore.”

Chapter Eighteen


Thundering footsteps followed me as I raced from shadow to shadow, one hand cupping my swollen belly to keep it from swinging from side to side. My legs were sticks, my arms twigs, my chest concave, and I was barefoot on broken glass. The monster wanted the baby, and I didn’t know where to go for shelter. There was no shelter. And then the hand came around my throat and I woke myself screaming.

The dreams of early pregnancy had evolved from vivid and colorful into terrifying nightmares that woke me several times a night. It didn’t help that I was uncomfortable due to the changes in my body, and that my bear and I both wanted our alpha.