We’d gone over this. He would shower. I would call Quinn. We would get ready and, if at all possible, he would have a home birth. No hospitals, and he wanted to be at home. It was the most important thing to him.

Tobias had a few of the pains in his back while he was in there. Quinn said he was on his way but, in the meantime, he wanted me to spread some blankets on the floor and follow myomega’s lead. His bear would know exactly what to do in order to deliver our young.

When he got out of the shower, I layered soft blankets on the floor until Tobias was happy and approved of the nest I’d made. He dropped the towel from around his waist and got down on his hands and knees.

“Tobias, talk to me,” I pleaded as he lowered his head fell into another round of pain.

“I can’t. He’s…my bear is in charge. Let him. Let him do this.”

“I’m not standing in your way, omega. My little bear, do your thing. Show him how to birth our babe.”

Quinn arrived a few minutes later, but my omega was already pushing. His bear growled through him. I felt helpless in that moment. There wasn’t a damned thing I could do to ease his pain except to rub his lower back, which somehow soothed his bear.

“There we are, Tobias. Just a few pushes. You’re fully dilated, and we’re almost there. Almost time to meet your babe. Come on. You can do this. Big push.”

Tobias let out a loud growl and bore down on his hips, tucking his ass toward the floor. His channel opened wider and then, before I could take my next breath, our baby crowned. Quinn encouraged him.

“There’s the head, Tobias. One or two more pushes and you’ve got your baby. You can do this.”

I whispered in his ear how strong he was. How much I loved him. How much I believed in him. All the things I would want to hear if I was in his place, which I very much wanted to be. To take the pain away from him.

“Go back there,” he whispered. “Catch our babe as he comes out of me, alpha.”

I did as he told me and when the time came, it was myhands who caught our son. He cried a bit as Quinn wrapped him up while I helped Tobias onto the bed. Then I placed our baby on Tobias’ chest. My omega had collapsed from the expended energy, but he held our babe with strong arms.

“You did it,” I said, in awe of my mate. “You did it.”

“No,” he said, looking down at our new baby. “Wedid it.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Our baby was the cutest one ever, even when he was wailing away to let us know he needed food or a clean diaper or a cuddle. As soon as I felt a little stronger, I planned to make sure he had contact with me as much as his little heart desired.

I had been given the most beautiful wrap that came with a video on baby wearing, and it made it possible for me to have him on my front or back or even side. I was so excited to try it out, with Leon there to spot me, of course, until I got very good at it. A living baby was quite different from the doll I’d used for practice.

“Is he asleep?” Leon leaned over the bed and brushed a kiss on the baby’s forehead.

“Yes, he just had a good feed but we need to talk about something.”

“We do?” He rubbed his eyes. After all the excitement, I’d sent him down the hall for a nap. I had a feeling we’d be missing some sleep now that the baby was here. At least my nightmares were a thing of the past.

“He doesn’t have a name.” Although my bear had known he was a boy for a long time, and we’d referred to the baby as such, we hadn’t settled on a name. “And I want you to choose it.”

“Omega, no, don’t you want to do it?” He stroked the soft baby arm. “I’m sure I’d like any name you pick.”

“And I feel the same, but it’s important to me for you to be the one.”


How could I explain without making a beautiful day weird. “You have given me everything I could ever dream of, including the baby, and made sure I feel safe and comfortable in thisrelationship. I want to give you this.”

“Tobias, I don’t know what to say.”

“Just say the name.

“Michael.” He spoke without hesitation. “I’ve always liked that name.”