“I figured with the baby coming, you were going to want to save some money and be close to family. That’s how it works.”

“Baby?” Davien looked at me, and I looked to Grams. What was she talking about? If I was having a baby, I’d know it, right?

Grams shot me a knowing look. “Oh, don’t look at me like that,”

“Wait, what are you talking about?” I was so confused as to how this conversation went from moving in to having a baby, but here we were.

“Answer me this… ” She spent the next three minutes listing off a long list of symptoms she’d seen me experience, ones I hadn’t connected the dots on. “That all describes you, right?”

I nodded.

“So what logical conclusion can you draw?” She made a hand gesture over her belly, indicating a baby bump. She thought I was pregnant… already.

“Are you sure?” I whispered.

“Well, the 24-hour pharmacy is open.”

My jaw dropped, and Davien barked out a laugh, Grams joining in. “Just kidding! Although they agreed to let me back into the pharmacy. I talked to the manager and let them know why I hadn’t been myself, and remarkably, they accepted that.”

“I’ll be right back.” Davien got up, kissed the top of my head, told us not to eat all the quiche, and left. I didn’t get the sense that he was upset, but he didn’t say where he was going, either.

“What do you think that was about?”

Grams shrugged. “I don’t know. Alphas are… alphas. He’ll be back soon, so might as well eat.”

I went to argue, and she cut me off. “Let’s be productive and talk about how we’re going to rearrange all my belongings so you can fit your stuff instead of biting off worry.”

I hadn’t been worried, but now I sort of was.

“You’re going need one of those pod things to store your stuff for later for sure. Probably not too long. This neighborhood has a lot of older folks, so the odds are good something will open up soon.”

She went on, talking about the neighbors and their work, retirement, grandbabies, and health. It was a good distraction. It shouldn’t have surprised me when Davien came back holding a bag from the pharmacy.

“Here.” He handed me a pregnancy test. “Let’s go find out.”

I’d already kind of believed she was right, but I didn’t want to get too excited. That would only lead to disappointment if it were negative. Davien and I had discussed a future family, and we both wanted one. This wasn’t the timing we had been talkingabout, but babies were like that. And now that it was a real possibility that I was carrying his baby, I really wanted this.

I peed on the stick and didn’t even need to wait the three minutes for the results. It had two lines before I even set it back down on the toilet. I walked out.

“Now comes the wait. ” Grams was leaning into my mate’s side. It was adorable..

“No wait. You were right, Grams.” I barely got the words out when I was swept up in a hug between the two of them. Both Davien and Grams were as happy as I was.

I had been so scared it would be negative and hadn’t realized how much until the first line appeared.

Davien whispered in my ear, “Love you, mate.”

“I love you, too.”

We spent the rest of dinner talking about all things baby-related, discussing which rooms we could turn into a nursery. When we reminded Grams that we would be buying a place of our own as soon as something opened up, she said, “Well, that doesn’t mean the baby can’t have a room here, just like you two do.”

It was nice—this feeling of having family, of everyone being excited. The next day, I met with a realty agent to list my house on the market, and the odds were in my favor. I had four offers by the first weekend. We were doing this. We were moving, starting our new lives, and growing a family. Life was good.

Chapter 20

