“Davien and I got the curtains and bedding up,” she said proudly.

“It looks great. And I love the little nook you’ve made over there.” They had turned an awkward corner that wasn’t quite the right shape for much into a cozy reading nook. I loved it.

“You guys are the best.”

“We know,” Grams said, while Davien kissed the top of my head.

“We still have a lot to do today.” Davien held me closer. “I don’t want you overdoing it.”

“I don’t plan on it.”

“I’ve got this.” Grams took my arm and started to walk toward the door. “I’m taking him shopping, remember?”

Davien might’ve, but I didn’t. Grams was definitely back to her old self, which was such a relief. She would never be the cutesy old lady sitting on her front porch with a cup of tea, waving to people who walked by and talking to the neighborhood cats. That wasn’t who she was. Worked for me. I liked her this way.

The rest of the day included buying everything we needed to have a decent pantry, getting the kitchen set up and ready to go, and emptying boxes.

It was pretty much Grams telling us what to do, and us doing it. By the time we were ready for dinner, we were done. Well, done enough. Our house was ready for us.

Grams had dinner plans—ones she didn’t divulge—and Davien and I had our first pizza delivery.

“Is it everything you thought it would be?” Davien asked, wrapping his arms around me, our dinner eaten and cleaned up.

“And more. But there’s still stuff to be done.” I reached up and rested my hand on his cheek.

“What do you mean?”

“Well… we haven’t christened any of the rooms yet.” I nipped on his bottom lip.

“You do have a point.” He kissed me breathless. I half wondered if it would ever stop feeling like this, so magical. I didn’t think it would; he was a unicorn, after all. “Should we start with this one?”

“Well, had this been a few months back, I’d probably say yes, but I’m not so flexible right now.” There was no chance that I wouldn’t end up on the floor. “How about we start with the bedroom?”

Without hesitation, Davien bent down and scooped me up. “That works for me.”

“Wait! Put me down! I’m the size of a horse… unicorn… you know what I mean.”

“You, my sweet mate, are the absolute perfect size for growing our baby and I am going to carry you upstairs and do some very naughty things to you.”

And off to the bedroom we went.

Chapter 22


“I don’t know.” Errol rested his hands on his bump. “They’re nice and all and have great reviews, all five stars, but they’re so bland.”

We’d sat up late last night looking at cribs, and now we were in the baby section of a large department store. I agreed cribs were boring, but they all served a purpose and that was to keep our baby comfortable and safe when they were sleeping.

“We could jazz them up a little with decals.”

Errol made a face. “Nope.”

“Colorful bedding?”


“A lick of paint?” We had some left over from when I painted the nursery.