My dads appeared from their cottage before I’d turned off the engine. They held hands and waited near the gate. I thought of how loving Errol was with Grams, and once again, I was overwhelmed with guilt at our estranged relationship. It wasn’t their fault I took fright at the wolf incident.
It was up to me to break down the barrier that existed between us. Smiling and waving, I hugged them both, and taking Errol’s hand, I introduced them.
My mate didn’t hold back. He flung himself into their arms, saying how happy he was to meet them and was hoping they’d show him around the garden.
“We’d love to.” Joel, my omega dad, looked at me as Errol clasped him in a bear hug.
Aran, my alpha father, added that it was a shame the visit would be so short, as we were only staying overnight.
I opened my mouth to say we could visit again, but Errol butted in with, “Oh don’t worry. We can visit at Christmas, and I’ll bring my grandmother if that’s okay.”
My parents shared a glance. “More than okay,” they both replied.
Errol strolled into the house with my omega dad, chatting about Grams, how we met, and gushing over my childhood home.
“I like him,” my alpha dad whispered. “And his grandmother…”
“There might be a connection.” I reviewed what Errol had told me, his tattoo, and Grams’s recollections.
Father patted my arm. “It was more than fate. The goddess oversaw this personally.”
That was what I’d guessed, and I hoped I lived up to her expectations. If I got on better with my folks, I might rise in her estimation.
When we walked in, Errol was placing serving dishes on the table. My folks had gone all out and cooked a huge feast. We sat down, and everyone passed around the food before we tucked in.
“Thank you for being so welcoming to Errol and me.” I thought of all the lost years, but I hadn’t been lacking love. Gramps saw to that.
“You’re our son.” Father patted my hand.
“Davien tells me your unicorns roam freely in the forest,” Errol blurted out.
The way he said it sounded as though my parents’ beasts were out there now while we sat inside eating lunch.
Dad sent me a “Does he know?” look.
“Errol has met my unicorn. He understands the process.”
“Ahhh,” Dad replied.
“I thought we might take our hoofs and horns after lunch, as long as that’s okay with you, Errol. I don’t want you to feel left out,” Dad suggested.
“I can’t wait to see the three of you standing proud and tall.”
I bit my lip and inspected my food because that was how my mate described my cock.
While I was happy to rest after the drive and our big lunch, my folks said their beasts were eager to shift because it had been years since they’d seen my unicorn.
“That’s so sad.” Errol blinked away tears.
“I’m aiming to fix that.” I reached out to Dad and Father, and they each took a hand.
“You’ll do great, my darling.” Errol enveloped me in his arms. “The woods aren’t scary, and you’ll have your folks with you.”
Perhaps my fear was irrational. It wasn’t as if terrifying wild creatures lurked behind every bush and tree. Or did they? And the one and only time I’d shifted with my folks wasthatday.
“I wish I could take a pic, but don’t worry, I know I can’t.” Errol averted his eyes as my parents got naked. As a human, he was weirded out by nudity, apart from when he and I got our clothes off.
“Can I look?” my mate yelled.