When she arrived at the stop near her parents’ house, she hauled the bag of gifts off the bus and trekked down the road. It was bitingly cold, and she wished she’d commandeered the Sweetest Surprise car, but it was all right. The fresh air felt good after a slightly nauseating morning.
Billie arrived at the same time as her little sister, Jamie, and her husband. They piled out of the car, and Jamie ran to give Billie a tight hug. Her husband, Stewart, gave Billie a handshake and a cheerful greeting.
“It’s so nice to see you,” Jamie said, hugging Billie again. “How did that Christmas party go? The one you were buying the dress for?”
“Oh.” Billie bit her lip. “It didn’t go quite as expected.”
Jamie’s brow furrowed, but Stewart was already by her side, escorting her into the house and out of the cold. Billie followed.
Inside, everyone was in pairs; her brothers sat with their wives, her parents were together, and Jamie and Stewart were holdinghands. Noah, Billie’s toddler nephew, came running up to her, and Billie swooped him into her arms.
“It’s nice to see you, squishy face,” she told him. Noah cackled at the nickname and gave her a sloppy kiss. Billie’s heart warmed at the thought that her child would grow up with cousins like this. He wiggled to get down, so Billie set him back on the floor.
“Billie!” Her mother and father came to give her hugs, followed by her sisters-in-law and brother. One sister-in-law handed Billie her other nephew, Sam, who was now four months old. He smiled a gummy smile up at Billie as she bounced him. Again, her heart warmed at the thought of her own child, who she would soon be holding in her arms.
A glance around the room brought her earlier sadness back, though. It was clear how much her siblings each loved their spouses and how much joy parenthood as part of a couple brought them. Several of Billie’s friends were more than happy as single mothers, but Billie had always imagined that she would raise her baby alongside a partner who loved her. That was clearly not going to happen.
“Everything okay?” Jamie had appeared by Billie’s side, a concerned expression on her pretty features.
“Mmm.” Billie nodded and smiled down at the baby boy in her arms. “Everything’s okay.”
After the initial flurry of greetings, they all settled down on the living room couches for the annual gift exchange. Billie snuggled her nephew as her family opened their gifts, oohing and aahing over jewelry and books, new hiking boots, and wireless headphones. Noah almost fainted with excitement when he unwrapped a remote-controlled car Billie had gotten him, whichreminded Billie of the plane she’d gotten for Max. Had he ever even flown it? Probably not.
Billie returned her attention to her nephew as he gave her a big, sloppy kiss then went to beg his mother to try the car out before dinner. Permission granted, he ran into the dining room to give it a try.
“Have you opened your gifts?” Billie’s mother, Gloria, asked.
“Not yet. I haven’t wanted to put this little sweetheart down.” Billie motioned to Sam, who had now fallen asleep. His lashes were splayed across his chubby cheeks, and his hands fisted then relaxed in time with whatever dream he was having.
“Oh, give him here.” Gloria scooped up her grandson and handed Billie a gift in exchange. “I need to soak up time with my little sweetheart, too. Pretty soon, it’ll be three grandbabies in the family!”
Billie bit her lip and glanced at her stomach. She could easily wait to tell her family about the pregnancy, but the time felt right.
“Actually… it’ll be four.”
All eyes turned to Billie as the room suddenly fell silent.
“What do you mean?” Billie’s oldest brother asked.
“I’m pregnant.” Billie rested a hand on her stomach. “It’s early days now, but I’m due next summer.”
“Oh, my gosh!” Jamie was the first to react. She practically flew across the room to envelop Billie in a tight hug. “This is the best news. We’ll be pregnant together! Our kids can play together when they’re born! Oh, Billie, how wonderful. Congratulations.”
Billie grinned at her youngest sister’s enthusiasm. “Thanks, Jamie.”
“Have you thought about names?” Jamie asked excitedly.
Billie chuckled. “Not yet. Like I said, it’s early days. I only just found out.”
“Still. Amazing!” Jamie grinned broadly. One by one, the rest of Billie’s family offered their congratulations. Finally, Gloria gave her a hug before pulling back and meeting Billie’s eyes.
“May I ask about the father?”
“He’s not in the picture,” Billie said delicately. “But that isn’t what matters here.”
“Of course not. What matters is my beautiful grandbaby! And you, my darling daughter.”
“Thanks, Mom.”