After what felt like a few minutes, but could easily have been seconds or hours, they drew apart. Max’s arms were still wrapped around Billie’s waist and her hands were still on his shoulders. They grinned at each other. Billie felt dizzy from the magic of the kiss.

“I didn’t expect that,” she said.

“You didn’t? I’ve barely thought of anything else since the first moment we met.”

“Really?” Billie melted against him, her dizziness increasing. “I may have imagined this a few times myself. I just didn’t think we’d actually kiss again.”

“I wasn’t sure, either. But now that we have, I think we should keep kissing.”

“I like that idea.” Billie glanced around the deserted balcony. “On the other hand, it is a little chilly out here, and people might be wondering where you went.”

“Good point. But perhaps later…”

“Yes. Later.” Billie smiled at him. She wanted nothing more than to kiss Max again, preferably as often as possible. And hopefully, those kisses would lead to another night together… maybe even more than that.

With a regretful expression, Max released Billie. She stepped back — and stumbled, her dizziness hitting again. Max steadied her with a hand on her elbow. His eyes narrowed with concern.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes. I just feel a bit lightheaded.” Billie made a face. Perhaps the dizziness hadn’t been from the magic of the kiss at all, but rather from an oncoming cold. She often got a bit sick around the holiday season because of the cold weather and the stress of her work. Still, this was terrible timing.

“Do you want to sit down? Should I get you some water?”

“I’m really fine.” Billie waved off his concern. “But maybe I should head home and lie down for a bit.”

“Of course. I can drive you.”

“No, please stay. This is your party, and you should enjoy it. Plus, your employees will want to see you. I can just take a cab.”

“All right.” Max looked a little concerned, but he nodded his assent. “I’ll call you one. Are you sure you’re all right?”

“I’m sure.” Hopefully, a nice rest and some hot tea would nip any possible illness in the bud.




As Max held out his arm to walk Billie downstairs, he couldn’t help feeling a little apprehensive. The kiss they’d shared had been amazing, even better than he’d imagined. Holding Billie in his arms again had felt magical. Her soft lips, the press of her body against his, that peppermint smell… it had all been perfect.

Yet now she wasn’t feeling well. It was terrible timing — unless it wasn’t. Perhaps the kiss had made Billie uncomfortable, and she’d decided to create a reason to leave early. The last thing Max wanted was to make Billie uncomfortable.

She took his arm and smiled up at him. “Are you feeling okay?”


“You look a little worried.”

“I just want to make sure you’re all right.” They walked back inside. “Are you sure you don’t need to go to the doctor?”

“Definitely not.” Billie shook her head, then winced. “I just need to rest and have some fluids. I’m sure I’ll be fine by tomorrow.”

“Okay.” They crossed the room, nodding and greeting a few people as they passed. By the elevator bank, Max pressed the button to call the elevator. “I just wanted to say, if anything about tonight made you uncomfortable…”

“Not at all.” Billie fixed those beautiful brown eyes on Max’s. “I’ve had a wonderful evening. And I hope we can continue our conversation as soon as I’m feeling better.”

“Absolutely.” They stepped into the elevator, which whisked them downwards. They waited in the lobby for a few minutes until the cab arrived, then Max walked Billie out and opened the car door for her. “Text me when you get home, all right?”