“Back to work? It’s well past working hours.”

“Yes, but I was out all afternoon and there’s a lot to do.”

“I can’t really fault you.” Billie grinned sheepishly. “I was thinking of doing a little more work myself.”

“I’ll drop you back at the outreach center, then?”

“Yes, please.”

They listened to Christmas songs as they drove back to the center, where Max bade Billie goodbye and she slid out of the car. Inside, she headed straight to her office and sat down in front of her computer. Max might be a workaholic, but she had the same tendencies. Every moment that she worked meant that things could be a little easier for the kids.

And each moment that she worked meant another moment that she wasn’t replaying every second she’d spent with Max in her mind. Otherwise, she’d just be remembering how he’d said that helping actually felt good, how he’d smiled at her as though they were sharing a secret, how he’d said he still wanted to worktogether after Christmas — and how he’d kissed her, almost a month ago now, when they’d spent the night together.

Billie opened a grant application she’d been writing. It was definitely better to work than to get caught up in her memories.



Several days later, Billie was working on the grant application again when she got a call from Max. Surprised, she answered right away.

“No text?”

“Not today.” There was a smile in Max’s voice.

“How special. So, what’s up?”

“Well, I have two pieces of news for you. The first is that my PR team says that our work together has been a big success so far — though it’s too soon for final results. They’re already talking about making this an annual thing.”

“Really?” Billie’s heart beat a little faster at the thought of working with Max year after year. “What did you say?”

“Of course, I said I’d need to talk to you about it, but I don’t have any objections.”

“Because it feels good to help,” Billie prompted. Grinning, she shifted the phone to her other hand and stood, walking to her window.

“It does. And it’s been nice getting to know you.” There was a pause, then Max added quickly, “But mostly because it’s good publicity.”

“Sure, sure.” Still, Billie’s heart warmed at Max’s words. Good publicity or not, that clearly wasn’t what he’d thought of first. “What’s the other news?”

“Right. Well, in a few days, there’s a big corporate Christmas party for Bluebell Diner. I know, a corporate party is probably the last thing you want to attend, but since Christmas is there too, I thought you might agree to go as my guest.”

Billie’s heart fluttered now. “Oh! Yes, of course. I’d love to.”

“It would be a nice way to thank you for everything you’ve done for me this past month.”

“That’s kind of you, but there’s no need to thank me. You’ve helped a lot, too.”

“Even if that’s true, which I doubt, I’d still like for you to come.”

“I will.” Billie grinned like she’d won the lottery, all alone in her office by the cold pane of the window. “When is this?”

“December nineteenth. It begins at seven. Oh, and it’s dressy.”

“All right.” Billie thought of the skirt and sweater she’d worn to the gala, which was her dressiest outfit. It looked like it’d be making a comeback in a few days.

“Do you mind if I pick you up at your place?”

“Not at all, but won’t that be out of the way for you?”