Billie thought of all the kids who needed presents for Christmas. She thought of all the parents who so desperately wanted to give their children a magical visit from Santa Claus but who wouldn’t be able to pull it off without her help. She thought of all the people who deserved a little Christmas magic. This was about so much more than just Billie and her confusion after their night together.
“Fine. I accept.”
Max grinned his honey-slow grin again, and Billie quickly raised a hand. “But just to be clear, this is a professional partnership.”
“I completely agree.” Max raised his hand in a Boy Scout salute. “I promise that we’ll keep things professional. And I promise I’ll show up and do what you tell me. Stephanie tells me that I need a picture of me handing you the big check, plus two or three more appearances.”
“Fine. And I expect you to show up punctually and ready to work, just as I would expect of any of my volunteers.”And to keep that knee-weakening smile to yourself.
“Of course.” Max extended a hand to her across the table. “Billie Stone, it looks like we’re in business.”
Billie shook his hand and tried to convince herself that she wasn’t making a huge mistake. She also tried to ignore the feeling of Max’s warm, slightly rough palm against hers and the memories the contact brought back.
“Shall we go downstairs for the check exchange?” Max asked.
“I suppose.”
“That’s the spirit.” Max winked and they both stood. Outside the office door, Stephanie was waiting, her phone in her hand. She straightened at the sight of them.
“We’re in business,” Max told her. “Your plan to redo my image is a go.”
“Thank you for agreeing to this, Ms. Stone,” Stephanie said.
“Sure.” Billie tried for a pleasant smile but was almost certain that she’d fallen short. “Please, call me Billie.”
“Shall we head downstairs? I have the check in the car outside.”
Sure enough, a few minutes later, they were standing in Sweetest Surprise’s entryway with a check so large that Billie couldn’t have touched both ends with outstretched arms. A photographer appeared from somewhere outside — perhaps Stephanie had stashed him in the car as well — and motioned for Billie and Max to stand closer together.
“Can we get some kids in the picture?” Stephanie asked.
“Sorry, it’s the middle of the school day. We don’t have any kids on the premises at the moment,” Billie said.
“Whose are these, then?” Stephanie asked, gesturing to a coat rack filled with small jackets.
“Those are some of our spare clothes for kids who might need them.” Billie tried to keep her tone even. This was going to be very frustrating.
“All right, let’s get a move on,” Max said briskly. “As much as I’d love to pose for photos all day, I do have actual work to do.”
“Right. Max, hand her the check, and Billie, look excited and grateful.”
Billie smiled in what she hoped was an excited and grateful expression and pretended to accept the check. As she looked down at it, she noticed for the first time the amount written on the pay line, and her mouth dropped open. This was enough to cover the Christmas program and more. Sweetest Surprise should be fully in the green through summer with funding like this.
The photographer snapped a photo and, when Billie later saw it, she realized he’d captured the joyful moment that she’d realized her beloved charity would be funded for longer than she’d thought. He was good at his job; Billie would give him that.
“Thank you again,” Max said. He held out his hand, and Billie shuffled the check to lean against her leg so that she could take it.
“I expect to see you next week to help decorate the center for Christmas,” Billie said. “I’ll be in touch about timing.”
“Of course.” Max winked again. “See you later.”
Then he left without a backwards glance, clearly ready to get back to his “important” work. Billie hoisted the check into herarms and went to track down Barbara to see where one could even cash a check like this. Hopefully at the nearest bank, because Billie did not like the thought of carrying this thing on the bus one bit.
As she maneuvered the stairs with the check in her arms, Billie couldn’t help wondering what it was going to be like to work with Max. Perhaps she should have told him that it was all right to just show up for publicity photos and not actually help, but she hated the thought that Max would get good press without doing anything. Maybe helping with the charity would be good for him.
Or maybe he’d just drive her crazy with his classic mix of charm and cockiness.
That remained to be seen.