That kind of desire is distracting, and when Joshua’s hands tighten in my hair and he says my name as a hard, low curse, it’s my only warning that he’s about to come.
“Don’t you swallow this one either, wicked girl.” Johnny moves closer, his hand tracing over my shoulders as Joshua’s face contorts in that pleasured pain.
I hold perfectly still as Joshua spills the last of his come into me and for a moment, I worry it’s too much. That I won’t be able to keep that unspoken promise. But when he pulls back, drawing his cock across my lips and spreading the last of it over them, I manage to keep it all in my mouth.
“Show me.”
I turn to Johnny, mouth wide enough he can see, but not wide enough it will spill out.
“Good girl. Now, it’s my turn.” He guides himself into my mouth without giving me a chance to swallow.
“Why is that so hot?” Thomas asks from behind me, the words a groan.
But Ihaveto swallow and my throat works over Johnny, making him groan too.
I’m not surprised when he comes a few strokes later. The back and forth between him and Joshua was a small torture for him too.
He pulls me tightly to him and his cock is so deep in me, I have to swallow immediately, there’s no chance I could keep it in my mouth. He pulls back with a groaning sigh and the tiniest bit of him dribbles out onto my breasts.
With a chuckle from where he’s fallen on the couch next to Chase, Joshua says “That’ll have to be proof enough, won’t it.”
It’s not much, but I scoop it from my skin and enjoy the sounds they make when I suck it from my fingertips almost as much as I enjoy the way the three of them look as they watch me turn to Thomas.
I walk to him on my knees, ignoring the sharpness, and holding my hands clasped tightly together so I don’t try to wiggle them out of the belt.
He sits up, leaning forward to meet me. When he tips my chin up and brushes a kiss across my lips, he keeps going and slides his cheek across mine to whisper. “I like it with some teeth.”
His hand had snaked around my back as he said it, and as he pulls away and the belt falls, I realize why.
Hands freed, I take hold of his thigh to steady myself. The loss of that restraint making me somehow unstable.
Thomas’ muscles are tense under my fingers. His whole body seems coiled, but he doesn’t attack. He doesn’t even hold my head to guide me as I take him into my mouth.
Someone’s hand ghosts over my back, pressing between my shoulder blades, and I shiver at the touch, moving closer to Thomas, taking more of him.
When I pull back, I graze lightly over him with my teeth and he shivers. His hands tighten in my hair, a sharp pain.
I like it, probably more than I should, and I repay him with my nails on his thighs. He chuckles in response.
He comes too quickly, and I’m a little disappointed. But he makes up for it, as he pulls me up him wrapping his arm around my waist and licking my lips.
“Not fair.” I whisper against his mouth. “Now I don’t have proof.”
“I’ll vouch for you.”
Johnny chuckles from behind me, but Thomas doesn’t loosen his grip so I can see where he is.
But I’ve done what I needed to do to get what I want…
“My turn?” I ask, shifting on him, trying to get myself lower.
He stops me and even though he doesn’t look happy about it, he says, “You’re still being punished.”
I pout, but when he lifts me up, I have to bite back a squeal.
He places me on the recliner, purposefully draping my legs, one each over the arms. Placing me on display for all of them.
But he leaves me like that. “Get yourself there.”