Page 94 of Blue Moon Mistress

I shrug, and drop my bag next to their shoes and follow him toward the kitchen.

The answer to his question reveals itself when three sets of eyes look up from the video game they’re playing… with earphones on for some reason.

Chase pulls his off immediately, coming to scoop me off the floor. “You should have texted you were on your way.”

I laugh and look past him. “You’re losing.”

“I was losing anyway.”

“He plays like an old man,” Thomas says, one of his headphones pulled to the side. “But he’s a good sport about it.”

“First thing’s first. I want to apologize for my mother.”

“You don’t need to. She’s concerned about you. We get it.”

“We’re not happy about some other things.” Johnny turns off the game console and stands, stretching. “The whole ‘we could have killed you without knowing’ thing is not okay.”

“You should have told us.”

I probably should have, but there’s nothing for it now. “I didn’t want it to influence your decisions.”

“It would have.” Thomas crosses his arms and his glare feels genuine.

“It’s done.” Joshua said coming back from the kitchen. “The only thing left to do is decide what punishment should be dispensed.”

“Punishment?” My mind goes straight to spanking, but I manage to keep my mouth pressed tightly shut.

Thomas pulls me into his lap and brushes my hair back from my shoulder. “Why do you always smell so good?”

“Focus, Thomas,” Chase says, snapping his fingers. “We’ve got plans to enact.”

“I can’t think of a punishment when I’ve got a hard on.”

“Don’t worry, it’s only a punishment for her.” Johnny grabs Thomas by the arms and pulls him back at about the same time Chase lets go of me.

There’s a rift between us, making it very clear that it’s them and me… not “us” right now.

“We have some rules.”

I nod. “Rules are good.”

“The first rule is that you do whatever the three of us say.” Joshua says.


He looks at Thomas, brows raised. “You’re going to rush it. And you’ll be happier when we don’t.”

He doesn’t look happy about it, but he nods. “Fine.”

“Second rule?” I ask, pressing my lips together as I wait for the answer.

“You don’t get to come.” Joshua’s smile is sharp.

I blink at him, lips parting even though I don’t know what I’d say.

“Not until we say so.”

“And until then?”