Page 92 of Blue Moon Mistress


He kisses me, deeply and long enough that my mother comes out to the porch.

He gives her a tightlipped smile before jogging to the already running truck.

“They like you.” She says, watching them go. “I hope that’s enough.”

“I don’t rush into things.”

“Don’t you?”

“Not when it comes to spells… what’s happened after is something different.” I look at her when the truck disappears. “How long did you know dad before you two got married?”

“That’s different?”

“Is it?”

“For one thing, there was only one of him.” She gives me a sidelong glance, but it’s with a smile. “Which one were you trying to protect when you refused to let them tell me how long they’d been wolves?”

“I was protecting them all.”

“Chase then. He must have been turned very young.” She watches the truck drive away. “Were you protecting him from me, or the others?”

“You of all people know that it’s better to tell secrets when they’re ready to be told.”

She sighs heavily. “Speaking of, take me to the Carraway plot. I want to check on your grandmother.”


My mother staysthrough Saturday night, and I know she’s doing it to punish me… just a little.

In the morning, I have no trouble waking up, being fully dressed and caffeinated before her. Yesterday’s tiny grocery trip got us through the afternoon and evening, but this morning, it’s leftovers of Johnny’s casserole.

“The boy can cook, I’ll give him that,” my mother says as she finishes up her slice of the dish. “And it’s nice to see they’ve had no problem accommodating your preferences.”

“They’re pretty great.” I don’t use the p-word, even if I think it. Perfect is a red flag for her and if it leaves my lips, she might try to stay all week.

But my father called three times yesterday. I’m honestly surprised she didn’t bring him with her. Theirs is that sickly sweet kind of relationship that makes others cringe… and has been the benchmark for what I’ve always wanted.

Maybe I can have that… times four.

Rolling her suitcase behind her, my mother heads for the door.

“I will be checking in.” She looks at me to be sure I’m listening. “Often.”

“I would expect nothing else.”

“And I expect to hear all of the things, at the correct time.”

“There’s no guaranteeing this will conform to whatever timeline is in your head. But when thosethingshappen, you’ll know.”

She nods, her jaw twitching. “In the end… if you love them, you can only follow your heart. But if they break it, I will come back and I will eviscerate them. We will need to figure out how to make this work with the coven. They are going to want answers.”

“And they will get them. If I deem it appropriate.”

She doesn’t look happy at that pronouncement, but she hugs me, kissing my forehead and gets in her car, to head back to Salem.

I don’t stick around the house for long. Slipping back inside, I grab the bag I packed last night and hop in my own car.