Joshua doesn’t turn ragged at any point. Not even when he steps back to turn me onto my stomach. Not when his hand tangles in my hair, and he pulls me back in a grip that stings but holds me off the counter so we can both see my breasts in the hall mirror.
He takes his pleasure as if he’s savoring it. And he gives me mine in equal measure.
It’s not what I’m used to, and my orgasm comes in a slow and long crescendo. It tears me apart so softly, I don’t know what to do with myself.
I settle for murmuring his name each time he thrusts, until I can’t even form coherent words anymore.
He fills me again and again, and finally, right before I’m about to beg himno morehis fingers tighten, sharp points of pain mixed with pleasure, and I can’t do anything but tighten around him as he spills into me.
When he finally stills, he drops his forehead to my spine.
“Who knew a mindless beast could show such restraint?” I nip at his finger, and shiver when his hand comes up to wrap around the back of my neck.
“How are any of us supposed to get anything done when all we can think about is being inside you?”
I chuckle against the counter. “It’ll get easier.”
“Will it?” His voice is soft, maybe even a little scared. “I’m not so sure.”
He kisses my spine, and we stay like this a little longer.
By the time he drags himself off of me, I can breathe normally again.
“Some day,” He whispers against my neck. “I’d like to make it to your bed.”
“Want to place bets on whether I’ll end up in yours first?”
“Nope.” He rakes his teeth over my skin and steps back, helping me off the counter before dealing with himself.
I don’t point out that he’s the one who’s had his teeth on me the most, despite nearly breaking Johnny’s jaw before he knew it wouldn’t hurt me.
“Are you coming to the game this Friday?” He asks as I slip into the bathroom.
“Yes.” Distraction kept me away last week. I won’t let it happen again this time. “I’ll be at your place early.”
When I step back out, he’s leaned against that counter I need to clean. “I’d be remiss if I let the four of you out of my sight after sunset on a Friday the thirteenth.”
“You know, I didn’t even think about that.”
“You’d be fine if I wasn’t there. On the more powerful nights, people will tend to avoid you. They won’t know why, but unless some underlying emotion is stronger, they’ll be a little afraid of you.”
“Yeah?” He kisses me before I can answer, so I nod against his lips.
“Friday,” Joshua says, stepping back from me, but not without considerable reluctance, if the twist of his lips is any indication. “Don’t forget a coat and a scarf. You might want mittens too.”
“You aren’t going to hold my hands to keep them warm?”
“We can’t hold them all the time.”
I twist away from him, “I guess that’s fair.” I grab the dish rag from the sink and nudge him aside, to wipe down the butcher block.
I’ll disinfect later.
“I have to get back to work. We’re so close to being done with the boring stuff… I want to put in the final push so we can do the fun part.”
“I guess I can allow it.” I smile up at him and press up onto my toes when he leans down to kiss me.