I can’t wipe the self-satisfied grin from my face when he finally opens his eyes. And he chuckles at me, the sound more breath than anything else, and with another groan, he slides from me, onto his side.
He pulls me against him, holding me tight to his side. “Give me a little bit and we’ll work on numbers three and four.”
Shaking my head against his shoulder, I don’t tell him I think he’s going to be too much for me. After all, if I want to keep them all, I’m going to have to get used to the occasional marathon.
Instead, I nip at his skin before kissing the same spot.
He pulls in a sharp breath between gritted teeth.
“Why shouldn’t you like that?”
“Because I’m pretty sure that’s how I turned… I mean, I didn’t get attacked on a full moon or in the woods, so—”
“It’s possible. Were you with someone who bit you hard enough to break the skin before you changed the first time?”
“Yeah. I thought she was just a sadist, and she disappeared afterward, but two weeks later, the moon was full, and I had fur.”
He laughs as he says it, but I know it wasn’t funny for a long time after that first change.
“It got easier once you found the others, didn’t it?”
He nods, turning us so I’m on top of him. “It’s easier to understand when you can compare and figure out what’s normal and what isn’t.”
He traces patterns over my stomach, breath fluttering on my skin. “Is it disappointing?”
I wait for him to finish the thought.
“Being with one of us, I mean, after you’ve been with all of us.”
“Not even a little bit.” I thread my fingers through his hair, gently massaging his head until I hear the groan slip from his lips. “It’s like a salad.”
He snorts a laugh and moves so he can meet my gaze with a confused one of his own. “I am trying so hard to keep comments about ranch dressing to myself.”
“Sex is the lettuce. It’s fine on its own, but each of you is a different addition. All of it’s good and not having cranberries doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the walnuts just as much.”
“It’s not a perfect metaphor.”
He huffs another laugh through his nose and pulls me more closely to him. “You just let me know when you’re hungry again.”
Before I can answer, a buzzing echoes from the floor and he drops his head back to the pillow. “Please be a weather warning.”
Whispering words against his skin, I raise my hand and his phone slips free of his pocket on the floor and floats to him.
He snatches it out of the air. “That’s pretty sexy. Could you make me fly?”
“Not with that spell. If I can’t lift it myself, the spell can’t lift it either.”
“I am going to quiz you on what you can and can’t do soon, you know that right?” But his attention is quickly diverted. Groaning, he scowls at the screen. “Emergency staff meeting.”
When he rolls out of bed, I stay where I am, watching him.
Even this late in the year, his skin is tanned and his hair still has some of the summer’s lightness to it.
There’s no comparing him to the others. They’re all too different for that, but I certainly wouldn’t mind this view a few mornings each week.
He catches me looking when he pulls his shirt over his head, and a sweet blush floods his cheeks.